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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1667

Chapter 1667 They Thought It Was a Good Thing

"I'm sorry, but I need a quiet, private environment to study. This has been my learning habit since I was little," Claire explained as she packed up.

"Fine! I'll give it to you, okay?" Seeing that she was serious, Taylor immediately conceded. He reached out to stop her, "Claire, don't be like this! I'll give up this space for you since you're the guest here. You stay, I'll go!"

Meeting his gaze, Claire could see his anxiety.

Taylor quickly grabbed his backpack off the desk again, blocking her path with his outstretched arm.

"Claire, please don't go! Don't think I'm annoying either. I know I was wrong to pursue you so tightly. I'll give you space now!"

Taylor did a complete 180 in attitude. His eyes looking at the girl even held a hint of pleading. "Please stay, don't leave, okay? I'll go, I'll stand guard outside the door, I promise I won't disturb you!"

"You..." Stand guard outside the door?

"You said you need your own space. I'm giving up the room for you. I'll just be right outside the door!" With that, he left with his backpack in hand.

Then Claire heard Taylor instructing the servant at the door, "Go on! Quickly move a desk and chair over here! Right here!" He even pointed.

His expression was dead serious, not joking at all.

The servants were astonished too. After being kicked out, he still stubbornly refused to leave? With his noble prince status, was there a need to humble himself like this?

"Why are you still standing there? Go!" Taylor urged.

"Yes, yes, right away!" The two servants hurried off.

Taylor happily glanced back into the study room, meeting Claire's impassive gaze.

She really couldn't stop this matter, since he was already not causing a ruckus inside the room anymore.

Her demands couldn't be too high either.

Taylor did give up the study room, leaving her an independent space. And after exiting voluntarily, he even thoughtfully closed the door for her after the servants left!


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