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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1672

Chapter 1672 This is a huge misunderstanding

At this time, Taylor picked up his backpack and stomped away angrily! He just wanted to find a place to calm down!

Catherine was also in no mood to care about him anymore. She followed Jolie towards the inner room, feeling a little uneasy. "What exactly do you want to say? Did you notice something wrong?"

Jolie walked into the room and closed the door. Her eyes were half-narrowed as she said with some certainty, "The reason why the King is so angry is because Prince Taylor made a move on his woman."

At first, Catherine didn't understand what this meant.

Because in her constant understanding, only she was the King's woman.

How could Taylor make a move on her?

As the master and servant's eyes met, Catherine finally reacted. "You mean..." Her chest throbbed again. "You mean Claire?"

"Yes, the King has taken a liking to Claire," Jolie said bluntly and decisively. She said coldly, "Otherwise there is no way to explain this matter."

"No!" Catherine suddenly laughed. She spoke lightly and quickly, "That's impossible. There's a generation gap! And it's only been a few days! She's just a translator, how could she capture the King's heart?"

"Since ancient times, when a man looks for a woman, he wants to find someone younger than himself. The younger and more delicate the better," Jolie said. "Because apart from this, I can't think of any other reason. Prince Taylor is his own son. Calling him to get out and no longer allowing him to set foot in the palace, this punishment is too severe."

Although Catherine couldn't find a reason, she also thought this reason was too outrageous.

But Jolie's judgment was always very accurate. And she spoke so decisively that in the end it did make Catherine feel a little creeped out.

Could it be... Is this Claire really a witch?

"Your Majesty," Jolie's voice was low. "I just had someone investigate and they sent back a message. I don't know if I should say it or not."


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