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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1681

Chapter 1681: Claire Meets Ivan

"Do you still have any food samples on hand?" Jennifer asked, "Take another look. We need to determine as soon as possible if it's this toxin so that we can prepare a large amount of antidote."

"I have a sample that was brought to the dining table. I'm currently studying it. These instruments were delivered just in time, and they will speed up the results," Rowan replied with increased confidence. "How is everything at my hospital?"

"I went to handle the handover for you. Everything is running smoothly, so you don't have to worry."

"Alright, thank you for your hard work. But please take care of yourself, especially since you're pregnant."

"I'm doing fine," Jennifer reassured. "I won't take up any more of your time. If you find that it's poisonous, check if the ingredients match what's written in the book. If they are exactly the same, then the culprit must have read this book."

But if that's the case, then who is the culprit?

In fact, Jennifer also found it very strange. Master's efforts had always been cherished by Master's nephew, so how could they have been seen by someone else?

It was a medical book, but it was also a poisonous book. Good and evil were just a thought away.

Even if it was accidentally seen, who would remember the formula for the poison and take action based on it?

But the medical book clearly stated that if poisoned for five years, how to prepare the antidote, and if poisoned for ten years, how to prepare it as well.

Even if all the organs of the poisoned person failed before death, there was still a chance to turn the tide.

After the call ended, Rowan put everything aside and began using the sophisticated instruments brought over to study the food samples collected by Claire.

If the food on the dining table was poisoned, it would narrow down the range of suspects.

He was meticulous, composed, and fully dedicated to his research.

After Ivan finished delivering the sculpture to Tyler and Catherine took him to the palace to have tea, the treatment was excellent, and she was focused on getting closer to Ivan.


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