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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1705

Chapter 1705: The Child With O Blood Type Born to an AB Mother

A moment later, the door of the emergency room opened and the three people sitting on the bench immediately stood up and went to meet the doctor anxiously, asking, "Doctor! How is my mother?"

Everyone was hanging by a thread, their eyes fixed on this doctor who had just come out.

The doctor's grave expression made everyone feel extremely uneasy in an instant.

"It's like this," the doctor, who had come out to wait for blood, said, "The patient lost too much blood during the surgery and needs a transfusion."

They need the blood bank to deliver blood??

"Use mine!" Monica was extremely anxious and begged with tears, "She's my mother! I'm healthy! I have blood! I donate blood every year!"

Tristan held her shoulders tightly, feeling very distressed.

"In principle, close relatives cannot donate blood, there will be rejection reactions." The doctor understood the girl's mood and said calmly to her, "We have already contacted the blood bank, it will be delivered soon."

"How soon is soon? Is the blood bank far from here? Will it get stuck in traffic? Can my mom still hold on?" Monica grabbed the doctor's arm in near despair and pleaded bitterly, "I'm type O blood! Isn't O blood supposed to be the universal blood type? Why can't I save my mom?"

"You are type O blood?" There was a hint of surprise in the doctor's tone. She looked at the girl, then at the middle-aged man next to her, and said, "But the patient is type AB."

Algerone's heart sank heavily!

"What's the problem with that?" The girl asked puzzledly. "Please don't waste time! Let me give my mom a transfusion! I have universal blood! I must be able to save her!"

Having been dependent on each other since she was little, she didn't know what else she could do for Belinda. At this moment, there was a feeling of sorrow and panic at not being able to take care of one's own.

She was just so afraid. After all, it was a brain tumor.

The doctor thought for a moment, "Let me test your blood first before the transfusion." She was also racing against time.

Algerone reached out and grabbed the doctor's arm, his gaze firm, "She has type O blood! I can confirm it! Don't waste time testing anymore! Hurry up and save her!!"

From his insistence and anxiety in his eyes, the doctor saw something. Then she said to Monica, "Come with me."


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