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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1758

Chapter 1758: Taylor Playing with Fire

The royal Lu Layeka family had castles scattered everywhere, elegant and exquisite, each exuding a sense of profound history and grace.

Many royal weddings took place within these castles.

The Aire Castle was particularly renowned, distinguished by its unique design, luxurious grandeur, and a particularly romantic legend.

Taylor, the prince, chose this place precisely because it was seldom visited.

Here, he could discuss matters without any disturbances.

The lounge was spacious, its vaulted ceiling adorned with intricate patterns exuding an artistic ambiance.

The walls were adorned with masterful artwork, and the air carried the scent of wealth. A table was set with a countryside-style cloth, upon which a vase held several fresh lilies.

A bottle of wine had been poured into a decanter.

Taylor poured two glasses himself, retrieved a packet of white powder from his pocket, and without hesitation, poured a measured amount into one of the glasses.

He then gently swirled the glass until the powder dissolved completely, placing it on the opposite side of the table.

Taylor calmly awaited Claire's arrival, determined to have her drink this wine.

The warm yellow lighting inside, accompanied by a soft classical melody with just the right volume and excellent audio quality, created a strong atmosphere, reflecting Taylor's taste in music selection.

Claire hadn't dressed up deliberately; she had come straight after finishing a call with Rowan.

Recalling the scene where the king had expelled Taylor from the palace and forbade him from re-entering, Claire felt somewhat guilty. It had affected the relationship between the father and son.

As Taylor waited for Claire, he patiently mused, knowing that once the die was cast, a new groom would be needed for the wedding. He couldn't be the favorite son, but he could be the first to give his father a grandchild.


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