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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1762

Chapter 1762: Catherine's Uncontrollable Anger

Rowan hurried, carrying her towards his own palace!

His cold, intense gaze focused ahead, anger spraying from his eyes! His handsome yet stern facial features made him look like a trapped beast!

The anger had not subsided!

"You have to hold on, Claire," Rowan felt a deep pang of pity, not knowing if the medication had any side effects on the human body. As a doctor, his intuition led him to reject all medications.

"He... he... he didn't do anything to me," Claire spoke with difficulty, her hands wrapped around his neck, her thoughts still clear, "Don't... be angry with him anymore."

Even though Claire was also very angry and wished to personally slap Taylor, she couldn't risk a life. After all, he was the king's son, and every action could have severe consequences.

Anger aside, rationality should prevail, and the matter needed to be dealt with, but not in an extreme manner.

At this moment, Queen Catherine and Julie, upon hearing the news, drove towards their direction!

Through the lowered car window, they inadvertently saw Louis swiftly leaving with Claire in his arms!

"Miss Russell, what happened?" Catherine asked the guard sitting beside her, sensing the cold anger emanating from Louis even from a distance.

She felt that Louis had fought with Taylor, and it had something to do with Miss Russell, but the guard hadn't mentioned Miss Russell at all.

Upon the queen's inquiry, the guard recounted what he had witnessed upon entering- "Prince Taylor arranged to meet Miss Russell at Aire Castle and instructed that no one be allowed inside. Shortly after, Prince Louis arrived. We didn't dare stop Prince Louis; after all, he is the future king."

"When we heard the commotion and went in, we saw the two princes fighting, with two empty wine glasses on the table. Miss Russell was sitting in the chair, trembling, her cheeks flushed, as if... she had been... drugged."

Upon hearing the guard's speculation, Catherine and Julie felt a sudden tightness in their chests!

Was this Taylor's doing?!


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