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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1764

Chapter 1764: Love You for a Lifetime

"Taylor, this is your fault," Katherine looked at her son, heart aching. His hair was disheveled, his face bruised. Seeing her own son beaten like this, it really was a mix of emotions for a mother.

But she had to advise, this apology had to be made, and the earlier, the more sincere.

"He beat me like this, isn't he at fault?" Taylor turned to look at his mother, a burning anger within him. "What's gotten into you today? Are you really siding with him?"

"You were wrong first, I stand with what's right."

"No matter how wrong I was, it doesn't warrant this!" Taylor was furious. "If it weren't for Claire pleading for me, Louis would have beaten me to death today!"

Katherine felt deeply for her son; his injuries were severe, even his eyes were swollen.

The mother and son's gazes met, and a brief silence fell upon the carriage.

Meanwhile, in Prince Louis's palace.

Rowan carried Claire up the stairs and straight into the bedroom.

She was burning up.

He bent to gently lay her on the bed, about to pour her a glass of water, but Claire's embrace tightened around his neck, preventing him from moving away.

He stood there, close to her.

Claire was feeling terrible and had no desire for water.

Rowan couldn't bring himself to touch her, especially in this situation. As a man, his inner conflict was overwhelming.

Propping himself up with his elbow, he looked down at her. "Claire, are you still conscious?"

With her eyes closed, she nodded. "Will you marry me... right?"

Her throat was parched, like a fish out of water.

She was weak in body, but her mind was clear.

"I will," Rowan didn't hesitate. "I will take responsibility for you, marry you, and love you for a lifetime."

A lifetime...


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