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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1787

Chapter 1787: A Disheartening Dream

Amidst the bustling city, a girl in a pink dress walked hurriedly as if searching for something. Her pace quickened, and eventually she started running.



The king, alone and anxious, had eyes only for that figure. Disregarding any potential danger, he chased after her.


The girl didn't look back, running in urgency.

"Annie!" The king, frantic, called after her silhouette. "Annie, what are you looking for? Daddy will help you find it!"

Just as he was about to reach out and touch her shoulder, everyone around him turned transparent and shattered into pieces. The girl's body also shattered instantly, disappearing without a trace...

"Annie..." He gasped, his voice barely above a whisper.

Alone on the empty grass, the king stood with his hand outstretched, the vivid scene playing over in his mind. It all felt like a dream, yet he watched her vanish before his eyes.



In the dream, the king looked around helplessly, tears of longing in his eyes, feeling the heart-wrenching pain once again.

"Annie... Annie..."

On the palace bed, the king's closed eyes moved, a tear rolling down his cheek. In the depths of his profound desolation, he slowly opened his eyes.

Staring at the resplendent ceiling, he knew it was another dream... the sense of loss deepening within him.

The clear image of the little girl remained in his mind, not fading with time.


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