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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1791

Chapter 1791 Secretly Planning the Wedding

"In the past, the girl with dirty braids, standing out in the crowd, not only dressed uniquely but also had a unique temperament. Do you remember when you had a fight with Ivan?" Jennifer smiled as she looked at her.

"Wasn't that just me standing up for you?" Mya reached out and poked her on the shoulder, answering with a smile. "Anyone who dares to bully our Jennifer, I'll fight them!"

Jennifer was amused by her, their sisterly bond ran deep.

Today, Jennifer and Ivan, under the generous hospitality of the Russell family elders, stayed for dinner before leaving. They briefed the Russell family elders on Claire's situation on Lu Layeka's side, and everyone grew more and more at ease.

Girls grow up; after all, they are to be married, and the most important thing is to choose the right person.

As the moon set and the sun rose, a brand new day arrived.

After tending to the large rose garden in the yard, Algerone slept at home for the night, went to the company in the early morning, and returned to the hospital right after the morning meeting.

He even queued to buy some fragrant red bean cakes; he paid great attention to details.

All of this came from his heart; he wanted to treat Belinda well.

Early in the morning, Tristan and Monica came out of the hospital excitedly and got into the car.

She sat in the front passenger seat and reached out to activate the navigation. "Is this the location?"

"Yes, it's under the Marsh Group," Tristan said to her. "Give the person in charge a call, ask if he's in today."

"Alright, you reminding me is a good thing; I almost forgot. It's the weekend today."

After Monica activated the navigation, Tristan started the car.


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