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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1794

Chapter 1794: Sincerity

The familiar Russell family estate loomed in front of them as Claire sat in the passenger seat, her heart tightening slowly. Her uncle and aunt had always been against her being with Rowan.

Will they be furious after such a sudden departure? Will they say hurtful things?

She loved Rowan and didn't want him to suffer even a bit.

The car turned slowly and entered the yard, stopping in front of the villa.

Rowan glanced at the girl beside him, and the girl also glanced back. Their gazes met.

Then, they both unfastened their seatbelts and got out of the car together.

Albert and Violet, standing in the living room, also held their hearts in their hands. Through the full-length window, they saw Dr. Watson walk around the car and take Claire's hand.

They watched as the two stepped towards the living room.

Violet quickly glanced at the man beside her, feeling a bit nervous for some reason. This Dr. Watson was not the same Dr. Watson. He was now the esteemed king of Lu Layeka.

With such a status, anyone would feel uncertain about how to interact with him.

Closer, closer... they stepped through the door.

Albert and Violet's eyes fell on them. Rowan and Claire didn't even greet the two elders. They went straight to them, bent their knees, and knelt down.

This shocked Albert and Violet, causing them to step back!

Rowan and Claire looked up, and they both spoke at the same time, "Uncle, aunt, please forgive our sudden departure." With that, they both kowtowed three times to the two elders.

This greatly shocked the two elders. "Please get up quickly!" They were startled and quickly bent down to help them up.


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