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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1816

Chapter 1816: Monica Decides to Acknowledge Her Family

Monica listened quietly, without interrupting or expressing any doubts. She listened attentively, appearing calm as if she was listening to someone else's story.

Finally, Rowan looked at her intently and asked in a soft voice, "Do you remember any of these things?"

Silence lingered for three seconds... His story seemed to have come to an end.

Monica met the man's gentle gaze and shook her head. "I don't remember."

"You have a beautiful name," Rowan smiled slightly at her. "Annie."

She didn't remember that name either.

She didn't remember any of her childhood memories... It was likely that when the large truck overturned into the river, her head hit the metal, causing her amnesia.

Moreover, memories from such a young age are naturally blurry, and on that day, she was also injured and bled a lot.

So it was normal for her not to remember.

"Over these years, the Lu Layeka royal family never stopped searching for you," Rowan spoke like a storyteller, his voice soothing and full of emotions. "Everyone has been concerned about your well-being."

Upon hearing these words, Monica felt not only touched but also a hint of apology.

"Are Mom and Dad... Are they okay?" She hesitated to face this question because she was also an adult, and she could somewhat empathize with the pain of losing a child.

"Dad came to Arkpool City. For my marriage to Claire, he visited Claire's uncle and aunt as an ordinary father from a regular family. He is an exceptionally wise and understanding elder," Rowan told her with satisfaction. "And he is very democratic. He would also approve of you being with Tristan."

Monica's lips curled up slightly. It would be great if she didn't have to enter into a political marriage.

Taking a sip of her coffee, she asked, "Did Mom not come?"


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