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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1818

Chapter 1818: Reaching an Agreement

The two elders exchanged a glance, wondering what conditions there could be. Then their gaze shifted back to their daughter's face simultaneously.

Belinda had no idea what her conditions could be, but as long as she was willing to acknowledge her, she would do her best to fulfill them.

Monica took the opportunity to speak up, "You two should remarry."

"... Both of them felt shocked.

There was a brief moment of silence in the room. This answer was quite unexpected!

Algerone felt a bit embarrassed and taken aback, as did Belinda.

"Unless you remarry," Monica's tone was firm as she stated her position, "I won't agree to anything else."

"It's not..." Belinda was getting a little confused, "Monica, these are two separate matters. Don't mix them up."

Algerone, on the other hand, was actually quite eager to remarry. He had already made preparations, and the roses in the yard were about to bloom. He planned to propose to her among the flowers as soon as she was discharged from the hospital.

He even had a custom-made ring prepared secretly.

So, Algerone played it smart. He didn't say anything, wanting to gauge Belinda's reaction.

"I know they are two separate matters," Monica said to them, "but this is my only wish, and I want it fulfilled before I acknowledge them."

"... Silence.

She continued, "And your relationship is not as bad as it used to be. Stop being so stubborn when you clearly still have feelings for each other. Just remarry!"

When Algerone looked at Belinda, he noticed she was looking at him too, and both of them felt a slight awkwardness.

Monica continued, "Once you have your wedding, I will acknowledge them. It doesn't mean I will abandon you two. I hope you can come together legally and take care of each other."


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