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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1845

Chapter 1845 Explaining with Actions

Cherry could only leave with tears in her eyes, carrying her suitcase, her lonely figure disappearing into the darkness.

Spencer didn't even consider whether it was safe for a girl to go outalone late at night; he sat on the sofa drinking.

He wasn't upset at all about the breakup, just very angry. He reckoned he would be the subject of hot discussions in the news again tomorrow.

Sure enough, the next day's front page was dominated by Spencer, and the social media comment sections were flooded.

He naturally drew attention, being handsome and leading his team to victory in national competitions.

Not only was he handsome, but he also acted well. His first role made him extremely popular, and he's been in demand ever since.

Coupled with being Ivan's brother, this attention kept his popularity consistently high.

The most talked-about aspect was his romantic history, clean and swift with every relationship, even though it might seem seamless, he never two-timed anyone.

And no woman had ever spoken ill of him.

He was as emotionally complex as any male artist in the country, changing partners like clothes without exaggeration.

In the elegant restaurant at Emerald Bay on a beautiful morning, Ivan and Jennifer sat at the breakfast table, which was exquisitely and abundantly laid out, including a portion specially made for the pregnant woman.

"Spencer made the headlines," Ivan said to her. "Did you know?" He had read the news as soon as he woke up.

"Why?" Jennifer asked, clearly unaware.

"That girl broadcasted from his house yesterday evening. People knew that he had brought his girlfriend home, and many started urging them to get married," Ivan explained.

Jennifer fell silent after hearing this because Spencer had made it clear that marriage was not in the picture.

Ivan calmly analyzed, "That girl stepped on a landmine. It's very likely that Spencer kicked her out last night."


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