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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1849

Chapter 1849: Countdown to the Wedding

To give away such a valuable item so casually, gifts could be given, couldn't they? Why insist on giving this bracelet with special significance?

She truly loved Bertie, with a kind of adoration and admiration typical of someone in love. The girl accepted the bracelet, and Catherine stood up to help her put it on. After chatting for a while, she saw the young couple off to the door. Monica and Tristan bid her goodbye, "Please stay, Your Highness. Good night."

"Good night."

Watching their figures disappear into the night, Julie could no longer hold back. She lowered her voice with a hint of urgency, "Your Highness, the bracelet was clearly not bought, it was a memento from your mother when you got married. How could such an important thing be given to someone else?"

"Because she's important," was Catherine's response. "She's not short of money either. It's meaningless to give something she could buy. I'm giving her the most precious thing I have. It's my way of showing her how much she means to me."

"..." Julie was speechless. "But she doesn't even know!"

"Somedayshe will know. She has good taste."

Julie really couldn't understand. The Princess's position was very stable, so why would she try to please a newly recognized princess? However, Catherine could see that Annie held the most important place in Bertie's heart. Not only Catherine, but in just two days, Annie had received all sorts of gifts from various people within the royal family. She couldn't remember who had given her what, but they were all from members of the royal family.

The next morning, Monica exercised aerobically in the courtyard. The front yard of the castle was large, with lush trees that were hundreds of years old. The beautiful morning light filtered through the leaves, dappling her with its radiance. The air was filled with the sounds of insects and birds, carrying the fragrance of the earth.

She turned around inadvertently and saw Julie walking towards her, alone. Monica met her gaze, realizing that Julie had come to find her. She turned to face her directly, meeting her eyes as Julie approached.


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