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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1859

Chapter 1859: The Old King Seems Angry

Bertie was dumbfounded for a few seconds upon hearing the question. "What did you say?"

"...," General Wind dared not repeat his previous words under the gaze of the old king.

Bertie stared at him intently for a whole minute. "I never expected you to propose such a question."

General Wind's heart raced at this reply, and his mind became a bit chaotic. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

The old king seemed angry.

But for the sake of his daughter, his only daughter, he would make every effort.

"King Louis is like a ray of light in Winnie's life. He is the only one who can pull her out of the darkness of depression. Please, for the sake of my lifelong loyalty to you, please approve of this marriage!" General Wind pleaded.

As soon as the words fell, General Wind knelt before him.

"No." Bertie replied without hesitation, using a serious tone.

"Emotions should not be used as a transaction! You have been loyal to the royal family, and the royal family has rewarded you accordingly! Your title, your salary, the well-being of you and your family for the rest of your lives!"

"You saved my life, and when I offered you a reward, you declined. Now, you can still ask for anything you want. But I am the first to disagree with marrying Winnie to Louis."

"...," General Wind didn't expect the old king to be so firm in his words. There was no room for negotiation.

Bertie also realized that he had been a bit too harsh in his tone. As a father, he could understand General Wind's feelings.

So, he changed his tone and spoke again, "Love, it must be mutual, not charity, and certainly not pity."

The old king stood still, looking down at him. "So, in Winnie's case, I am helpless as well. Please rise."


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