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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1906

Chapter 1906: Information Found by Ivan

"Big sis, what's wrong?" The girl was a bit flustered but answered truthfully, "I'm at the hospital."

"The hospital?!" Summer couldn't help but clutch her heart, "What happened? How did you end up in the hospital?"

"It's nothing, sis, don't worry! It's just a little fracture."

"How are you feeling now?" She was starting to get anxious, "Give me the address." But from her sister's tone, it seemed she was doing fine.

"Sis, you just started your new job, please don't take leave to come see me. I'll be discharged tomorrow. Ansel is keeping me company right now."

Summer knew she couldn't ask for leave, Angel might not approve it right now, especially when she's still mad, but with Ansel there, she felt more at ease.

"Give me the address, I'll come after work."

Her sister reluctantly agreed, "I'll message you the ward number."

In the afternoon, Angel had a commercial to shoot, and she brought Summer along. Striding proudly forward, she didn't even glance back as she said, "You have to observe everything with your eyes. This is the workplace, not a nursery. No one will hold your hand."

There was some emotion in her words, and she didn't even look at her directly.

"Okay." Summer remained composed, following closely behind Angel.

Then Angel entered the dressing room, followed by Adelaide.

Summer slowed her pace, observing her surroundings. She noticed another artist, Angel's co-star for the ad they were shooting. Probably accompanied by an assistant.

She focused on the girl, observing her every move, seeing how she served the artist.

She took the chance to greet her and ask for advice.

In the dressing room, Angel said to her manager, Adelaide, "We can't keep this Summer around, but we can't just kick her out either."

"What do you mean?"

"She has some connections with Mr. Marsh. It would be inappropriate for us to be the ones to push her out." Angel acknowledged Summer's looks and demeanor, worried about her own position, thus taking measures to preempt any issues, "But if she stays on set for long, she'll definitely steal the spotlight."

"Well, then..."

Angel turned to her, "Arrange for her to leave voluntarily. As long as it doesn't involve us, any method is acceptable, and the sooner, the better."


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