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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1936

Chapter 1936: Elisa Can't Sit Still Anymore

"Do you really like me?" Summer looked into his eyes with a hint of uncertain expectation and a bit of fear, reminiscent of holding onto this love in her heart for many years.

Spencer silently gazed at her, not speaking a word, but his eyes already conveyed a thousand words.

He really wanted to tell her, yes, silly girl, I have always deeply loved you, always... it's true.

The girl faced his gaze, a slight curl at the corner of her lips, the light in her amber eyes seemed to hold a glimmer, "So, what do you like about me?"

Her voice was like a feather, lightly drifting into his heart, the tone exactly the same as in his memory ten years ago.

"A feeling." He earnestly replied, "A feeling that I can't quite describe."

As they stood there exchanging lines, Summer was gradually getting into the scene that Spencer led her into.

Due to his efforts in studying the script extensively, there were no unfamiliar lines, so Summer's performance this time was quite good, exceeding the director's expectations.

Meanwhile, rumors of Summer being Mr. Marsh's lover had already spread within the crew, escalating from mere speculation to more concrete talk.

In the bathroom, Elisa heard the footsteps of someone entering, along with the gossiping voices-

"Do you know why Summer was promoted from assistant to the third female lead within a few hours? I heard she has a complicated relationship with Mr. Marsh."

"And the replaced Sophia Violet is said to be the director's niece, it was her first time acting."

"Now, it's all about who has the strongest connections everywhere."

"So, if Summer didn't perform well, that's why Spencer isn't angry and is patient with her."

"That doesn't make sense, is Mr. Marsh's affair with other women public? And even approved by Mr. Marsh's brother? Why is Spencer so good to her? So... does Jennifer's position as Mrs. Marsh still stand?"

"Now, rich men all have two families, it's already common knowledge."

Listening to these words, Elisa was almost shocked, oh my god!! How could such rumors spread?


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