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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1959

Chapter 1959- Dare Not to be Reckless Again

Mr. Marsh has arrived!

Elisa was ecstatic. She looked at the man, her eyes shining with hope. No one would dare to bully Summer again!

Ivan also looked at Angel. He seemed to be looking at her, yet at the same time not. His deep gaze was somewhat cold and distant, and Angel couldn't tell if it was just her imagination.

Anyway, this man's appearance made her a little nervous for some reason, even though he hadn't seen what she had just done.

When a thief meets a policeman, it's unavoidable to feel guilty.

"Let's go again! Angel, Summer! Try to get it right this time!" The director's voice was loud, but he looked calm on the outside, even though he was panicking inside.

So, he gave the order again, "Makeup artist, touch up Summer's makeup. Angel, back to your position. Everyone, remember your lines!"

The makeup artist hurried over to Summer, "Miss Summer, let me touch up your makeup." Even from a distance, you could feel the chill coming from Mr. Marsh.

Ouch! Two slaps in the face, and her face was already swollen! There was even a hint of blood oozing from the corner of her mouth.

"Summer." Elisa also came over. She felt sorry for her and wiped the blood from the corner of her lips with a damp tissue. "It must hurt, right?"

"I'm fine. I'm okay." In order not to worry her friend and not to delay the shooting, Summer forced a smile, "You go back to your makeup. We're about to start, and I don't want the director to say too much. I'm sure we'll get it right this time."

"Okay." Elisa was deeply touched. With Mr. Marsh around, Angel wouldn't dare to mess around, but she really wished she could take that slap for her.

"I'm really okay." Summer looked at Elisa's tearful expression and was deeply moved. She reached out and gently patted her head.

Ivan stood near the Lamborghini, his hands in his pockets, watching the scene. His handsome face sank involuntarily. What happened? Why was she getting her makeup done again?

Why was Elisa so concerned?


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