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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1980

Chapter 1980: Harlan Invites Summer Out 1

Harlan had a gentle demeanor and a pleasant voice as he spoke, "I'm not inspecting work today, just passing by and thought I'd come in for a cup of coffee."

"A latte, please. Thank you," he said, walking towards his usual spot not far away.

"Sure thing, boss," the young and beautiful server nodded and quickly went to prepare his order.

Harlan unintentionally caught sight of Summer not far away, her beautiful profile instantly recognizable to him.

He paused for a moment, feeling a sudden rush of joy. It turned out she also enjoyed coffee, and her choice to listen indicated a refined taste.

It seemed that he and Summer were kindred spirits.

Summer was engrossed in conversation with Claire, their eyes only for each other, completely unaware of the gaze that had fallen upon her not far away.

The classical music lingering in the air created a serene ambiance.

As Harlan took his seat, his romantic history was like a blank canvas; despite being in the entertainment industry, he had always kept himself clean.

A person of excellence had high standards for their significant other.

He had always been searching for a girl who would make his heart skip a beat at first sight, a girl whose smile would be irresistible, one who was unique, pleasing to the eye, and who he would love unconditionally for no reason.

It seemed like he had found her this time.

With growing certainty, Harlan felt that he had fallen in love at first sight with Summer.

But Summer remained oblivious, as Harlan conducted himself with gentlemanly manners and made no advances.

About half an hour later, Claire's phone rang.

She received a call from Rowan, "Alright, come pick me up. We're pretty much done chatting as well. Bye." With that, she hung up. "Summer, I have to leave soon. Feel free to contact me anytime in the future."

Summer found the meeting very enjoyable. "Claire, it was nice meeting you. Thanks for coming out to explain Zoe's character to me; it gave me a deeper understanding."


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