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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2030

Chapter 2030: This Feeling Feels Like Love

Before leaving, the director instructed, "Start the car, and once it's running, you can begin your lines. Spencer, place your left hand on the window, fingers slightly parted for a close-up shot. Your hands are beautiful." Spencer, with a self-assured glance, admired his well-defined fingers, knowing they were a sight.

Summer noticed a noticeable scar on his left hand, surprised by its beauty despite the imperfection. "You'll hold Summer in your arm, make the kiss intense and full of conflicting emotions, and convey your unwavering love for her," the director continued.

"Understood," Spencer thought, knowing his natural acting would do the trick.

Everyone had seen the script, and Riverflow, in the play, was chosen by Tristan. Frustrated, he used a passionate kiss to express his love, hoping to convince her.

Due to Zoe's interference, Riverflow hesitated, but Tristan's memory returned, clarifying his true feelings. Soon, the director closed the car door and returned to his screen.

The photographer in the passenger seat adjusted the angle, "Spencer, move a little to the right, just a bit more." Summer shifted to the right, thinking to make space.

However, the photographer corrected, "Miss Summer, you don't need to move. Move slightly to the left, it will put you closer to Spencer, and the angle is perfect."

Summer adjusted again, and Spencer shifted, their bodies now closer than before before the official scene began.

"Alright, that's the position," the director said to the driver, "Let's begin."

Both wore headphones, and the director was satisfied with the angle and their expressions. The girl, calm on the surface, was grappling with love and uncertainty. The boy restrained, held his love tightly.

The air in the car was charged with emotion.


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