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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2038

Chapter 2038: Spencer is Injured


Spencer felt as though lightning had struck him. He looked ahead, his handsome face betraying a mix of emotions.

Gripping the steering wheel, the blood in his veins seemed to freeze.

His sister's words just now didn't sound like a joke at all, but he couldn't show anything. Maybe this child was just joking?

Because his romantic history seemed rich, Agnes was wary of him? That made sense.

"Why are you silent?" Agnes turned to look at him, deliberately asking, "Shouldn't you be happy for my sister?"

She looked at the man's profile, which was as sharp as a knife, with a damn charming charm.

She couldn't quite understand what he was thinking, or maybe if he heard what she just said?

"What do you want me to say? Little sister, she hasn't sent me an invitation yet," Spencer came to his senses, smiling and glancing at her, "If she sends an invitation, then blessings must not be lacking, who is Rupert? Have they been together for a long time? Are they getting married?"

"Yes, my sister's boyfriend, no, it should be fiancé, because they got engaged a long time ago," Agnes said enviously, "They grew up together, he is a top student in our area, then he went abroad to study, their parents both like each other very much, but he is willing to come back to develop the country for my sister."

Spencer felt very desolate, at a loss, could only breathe calmly, gripping the steering wheel and staring ahead.

He really wanted to believe half of what his sister had said, but deep down, he believed it.

Because lies need to be rounded, she also has no reason to tell this lie.

Did Summer have a childhood sweetheart? Then why didn't he know? She didn't mention it in high school either.

But if it was true... he just didn't dare to think deeper, his head was about to explode!

Silent all the way, Bubu also stopped talking, just hoping he could stay away from his sister, don't ruin his sister's happiness.

So Spencer was in a really bad state right now, he was irritable, he wanted to hit someone, he wanted to grab that Rupert and grill him, but... he didn't have the status.


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