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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2047

Chapter 2047 - Can You Still Argue in the Face of Evidence?

Harlan stared at the clear screen, his eyes flashing with understanding. This woman was destroying evidence! That's why the test results showed no problem with the water in the cup – she had switched it out. It all made sense now.

How was she so calm about it? Such a devious woman!

Harlan saved the surveillance video on his phone – the only evidence he had. After saving it, he appeared in the hallway, searching for Angel's figure. He wasn't sure if she was playing a part or resting at the moment.

Meanwhile, Spencer's car was nearing the location, speeding on the main road, his eyes still filled with anger.

Angel's car had already stopped at the entrance of the lobby.

After getting out of the car, Adelaide followed her as they walked inside. Angel walked with pride, her back straight as if she had accomplished something significant in her life.

Adelaide couldn't help but worry for her – she knew Summer had powerful backers, so why did Angel provoke her? Couldn't she just finish filming this drama and leave with the money?

As they approached the door to the resting room, Harlan suddenly appeared in front of her.

His cold and firm gaze locked onto her, holding evidence as he approached her.

But Angel didn't seem to mind – she treated it as a normal encounter, still wearing a particularly smug smile on her face.

At this moment, Spencer's car abruptly stopped in front of the lobby.

He got out and slammed the door, exuding a strong aura of hostility as he walked inside, his whole being emanating an intimidating coldness.

In the hallway.

"Angel," Harlan stood in front of her, blocking her path and stopping her from entering the room.

The woman turned her gaze and calmly met his eyes. "Is there something you need, Mr. Harlan?"


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