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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2066

Chapter 2066: Inviting Him to the Wedding

"It's been seven or eight years, and their relationship is very stable," Summer's mother said to him. "Young man, what's your name? You must be very close with Summer, otherwise she wouldn't have told you about her wedding."

"Yes, we are quite close," Spencer nodded, his voice gentle. "We occasionally keep in touch."

"Then you're welcome to attend Summer's wedding," Summer's mother said happily. "Our Summer went through a car accident and doesn't remember much from before. Anyone she's still in contact with must be important to her. You're very welcome to come."

Spencer nodded, feeling a sharp pain in his heart. Attend her wedding? The only way he could be at Summer's wedding was if he were the groom.

"Auntie, I'd like to buy a bouquet of roses," he changed the subject. "Could you help me pick one?" He really didn't want to discuss Summer's wedding any further.

"Of course," Summer's mother responded warmly.

As Spencer watched her busy figure, he sipped his juice, lost in thought. His heart felt cold and heavy.

The girl he loved was getting married, and he had no plan.

After finishing his juice, he put down the glass. Summer's mother handed him a bouquet of roses with a beaming smile. "Young man, you don't need to pay for these flowers. Consider them a gift from me. You're giving these roses to someone you love, right? I wish you both happiness and longevity!"


"Young man, there aren't many of Summer's classmates who still keep in touch with her. You might be the only one. We look forward to seeing you at the wedding," she said with a smile.

Spencer didn't know how to respond... He could only smile back at the kind middle-aged woman.

"Thank you, Auntie." Spencer held the bouquet of roses, feeling a weight in his heart.

"You're welcome. Come visit whenever you have time!"

Even as Spencer drove away, his heart seemed to linger in the flower shop, haunted by the kind and friendly image of Summer's mother.

Rupert Brightwood.

He etched that name into his memory.


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