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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 933

Chapter 933 Clarence Being Arrested

"Geez, what's happening?"

Mya widened her eyes and was stunned for a second. She unfastened her seat belt and got off the car, looking at the police cars in the yard.

Why would there be so many policemen?

She got a bad feeling.

Finnley quickly got off the car, walked to her side and put his arm around her shoulder.

Mya turned her eyes to look at him, and as she stepped towards the living room...

Clarence was taken out by several police officers.

As Mya stopped, she saw her father in handcuffs, looking calm. But as their eyes met, Clarence seemed to be heartbroken.


Mya's heart skipped a beat and she rushed over to him, looking at his hands in disbelief. "What's happening? Why are they arresting you?"

She got uneasy and she took a deep breath to calm down.

Finnley put his arm around Mya's shoulder and had been frowning.

Clarence didn't know how to answer Mya's question.

"Did you catch the wrong person? My dad is the mayor! Why did you handcuff him?"

Mya was so excited that she began to yell at the police officers, "Let him go now! Even if you are to investigate him, you have to show him respect!"

The police officers were indifferent. They had little time to delay in performing their duties.

Clarence suppressed his emotions and only felt ashamed to look into her eyes.

His eyes fell on Finnley's face, the two's eyes met and Clarence thought Finnley had probably already known it. He didn't look shocked, but he also got a heavy heart.

"Finnley," Clarence said in a hoarse voice, "Thank you for taking care of Mya from now on."

Finnley felt something stuck in his throat, "Don't worry, sir." He nodded, sadly.

Why did he feel Clarence was saying his last words?

Mya turned her eyes in dismay, from the look on Finnley's face, it seemed he knew about it!


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