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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 977

Chapter 977 Zack's Past

Tears welled up in the corners of Zack's eyes. Much of his hair had turned grey. When he thought of the past, bitterness, and excitement spread in his heart at the same time.

Ivan stared at him silently, understanding him very well.

"But, Mr. Clarke, I'm curious." Ivan started the topic, "Why do you have another daughter?"

Looking at the coffee table, Ivan said in a low voice, "Judging from the jade pendant, you should love her very much, right?"

Zack held the heavy paternity test, his tearful eyes fell on the final result, he was so shocked! He felt tinnitus.

The scene of how he met Jennifer at the Marsh Group yesterday flashed through his mind.

He felt close to her for an unknown reason at that time.

It turned out she was his long-lost daughter.

Seeing that Zack was still excited, Ivan didn't speak for a while.

Two minutes later, Ivan spoke sincerely.

"Sorry, Mr. Clarke, I love my wife so much that I must find her family and make her life complete."

Zack, slowly coming back to his senses, was full of gratitude for Ivan.

"When I suspected that you were her father, to find conclusive evidence, I asked someone to steal your toothbrush."

"I am sorry for that."

Zack put down the paternity test, his heart in turmoil.

Looking up at Ivan, he said, "Mr. Marsh, I need to apologize too. I showed my jade pendant on purpose that day."

Zack said, "My people found out that you have been investigating the whereabouts of another jade pendant, so..."


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