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Surrender to the don's embrace (Gio and Millie) novel Chapter 2


"He became a Made Man at eleven," Enrique said, sharpening his knife like he did every day. The kitchen smelled of tomato and oregano, but it didn't make me feel as comfortable as usual.

"Did he really become a Made Man at eleven?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. Most people don't become full members of the Mafia until they are sixteen. "Was it because of his father?"

Enrique grinned, showing a gold tooth, and stopped for a moment. "You think he had it easy because he's the Boss' son? No, he killed his first man at eleven, so they decided to initiate him early."

Harper gasped. "He's a monster."

Enrique shrugged. "He's just doing what he needs to do. To rule over New York, you can't be weak or afraid."

"What happened?" I wasn't sure I wanted to know. If Gio killed his first man at eleven, how many more had he killed in the nine years since?

Enrique shook his head and scratched the scar on his face. He looked thin and unassuming, but Mother told me he was skilled with a knife. I had never seen him fight. "I don't know the details. I'm not that familiar with New York."

I watched the cook preparing dinner, trying to distract myself from the fear in my stomach. Enrique studied my face. "He's a catch. He'll become the most powerful man on the East coast soon. He'll protect you."

"And who will protect me from him?" I whispered.

Enrique didn't say anything because the answer was obvious: nobody could protect me from Gio after our wedding. Not Enrique, not even my father if he wanted to. In our world, women belonged to their husbands and were under their control.


The past couple of months had flown by too quickly, and despite my desire for time to slow down, my engagement party was only two days away. My mother was busy ensuring everything was perfect, ordering the servants around to keep the house spotless and prevent any mishaps. It was a small celebration, limited to our families, Gio's family, and the families of the respective heads of New York and Chicago, as Enrique insisted for safety reasons due to the recent truce.

I didn't want the engagement party to happen at all. I felt like I didn't need to meet Gio until our wedding day. Meanwhile, my energetic five-year-old brother, Karsen, was excited and wanted to play, but our mother was concerned about maintaining the perfect atmosphere for the guests.

Karsen mentioned that my tears were a common occurrence, revealing that Sienna had spread a rumor that Gio had bought me. This was false, but my sister Harper voiced her disapproval, comparing my situation to being sold like a cow by our father. I tried to hush them, not wanting our father to overhear and get angry.

As the commotion continued, Karsen began to run through the house with Harper and Sienna chasing after him. I followed, worried that they might break something valuable. During our playful chase, we stumbled upon Father's office, and I felt relieved that he wasn't there to catch us.

However, as we turned a corner, we encountered three men, and Karsen came to an abrupt stop. Sienna accidentally ran into the man in the middle, but he remained stable due to his imposing size and strength. It was then that I realized the man was Gio, my future husband, known for his deadly capabilities.

Terrified, I called out to my sister, using her full name to show the seriousness of the situation. All eyes, including Gio's cold gray gaze, were now fixed on me as fear washed over me, knowing that he had the power to crush a man's throat with his bare hands.

He was God-like in stature, towering over the already tall men around him. His hands rested on Sienna's shoulders, but I knew she needed to be away from him. "Sienna, come here," I said firmly, holding out my hand, eager to keep her safe from Gio. She stumbled backward, seeking refuge in my arms, her face buried against my shoulder. Gio's response was a raised eyebrow.

"That's Gio Merante!" Harper said disdainfully, making no effort to hide her disgust. Karsen erupted in anger and lunged at Gio, futilely striking his legs and stomach with his small fists. "Leave Millie alone! You don't get her!"

Chapter 2 1

Chapter 2 2


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