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Sweet Love Contract novel Chapter 105

"I'm sorry, Miss Wanda. Did I scare you just now?"

With a glass of hot water in her hand, Wanda shook her head gently and said, "no wonder I'm not scared. Do you want to have a try? There are two people sitting next to you when you wake up in the middle of the night and they are looking at you in a daze? '

"I'm really sorry. It's not convenient for me to come here in the daytime, so I have to wait until night. Please don't blame me." Joey turned to look at Quincy who was holding her in his arms and said, "I also want to thank you for helping Mr. Qin like this."

"Ha ha." Wanda just smiled awkwardly, "well, Mr. Qin, today is the first day of our marriage. Isn't it appropriate for you to bring your lover to my house to thank me? If someone sees it and divulges it, you can't count it on me. "

"It has nothing to do with Mr. Qin. I'm really moved when I heard from him that you promised him to have a fake marriage. I really want to thank you in person. But I didn't expect you to be so beautiful. " Speaking of this, Joey gave a disappointed look at Quincy. "You must have known each other for a long time, right?"

Without answering, Quincy looked at Wanda.

Wanda quickly waved her hand and said, "Miss Joey, as you can see, this is my family's situation. I have been living in this place since I was a child. How can I know Mr. Qin? You are being paranoid. It's just because of my family background that there won't be any trouble. Mr. Qin, don't you think so? " Speaking of this, Wanda felt a little guilty.

Quincy took off his coat and put it on Joey. Wanda was surprised by his action. How could he be so considerate and gentle?

"It's almost time. I've asked the driver to wait downstairs. He can only send you back today."

"You don't have to worry about me. I can do it," Joey said, kissing Quincy on the lips She turned to look at Wanda and smiled, "Miss Wanda, Mr. Qin and I have gone through a lot of things to get together, but I really didn't expect that there would be so many obstacles. Although you made such a big sacrifice because you wanted to save your uncle, anyway, I really thank you. One year later, I can be with Mr. Qin. You are my benefactor. "

Wanda shrugged and didn't know what to say.

After Joey left, for some reason, Wanda felt relieved. In fact, Joey didn't put on airs as a big star. She had a gentle temperament, delicate and beautiful facial features, and an excellent figure. At least, she met the requirements of the figure of a woman in the mind of Quincy, and even more than that.

But judging from her tone just now, Wanda guessed that Joey had known Quincy for a long time. Wasn't it said that he had something to do with a woman named Celeste?

"Pack up and move out," said Quincy, snapping his fingers in front of Wanda.

"Already finished." Wanda pointed at a bag in the corner.

Quincy remembered that she also carried this bag when she followed him back to No.3 Mansion for the first time. "How poor are you?"

"Too poor to imagine."

With a smile, Wanda put her bag behind her and said, "let's go."

The moment the door was closed, Wanda looked inside. Although it was a fake marriage, it was the first time in her life that she got married. She didn't expect that she would move to her husband's house at midnight like a thief. It was really shabby.


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