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Sweet lover Mr Ye novel Chapter 9

What’s more lucky, which she stopped at the moment is a taxi, a taxi! It easily stopped any trouble for her. So without any nonsense, she opened the door directly and sat in.

After getting on the taxi, Wen Ruoqing saw a bottle of mineral water in the back seat that she didn't know from which guest. Her eyes flashed quickly.

Or she could...

Seeing that the taxi left, Ye Yufeng finally realized the fact that Wen Ruoqing left she just left? Is this ignorance to him?

Wen Ruoqing! Interesting!

And when the car of Ye Sichen came over, Wen Ruoqing had already left, and Ye Yufeng’s car also had already left.

“Mr. Ye, Do we need to chase her still?” because he didn’t find the girl, secretary Wu was so worried, but he also knew that since the girl had gone, it was not so easy to chase afterwards.

After all, they even didn’t know how she leaved, which car had she got in this time.

“Go back to the hotel.” The eyes of Ye Sichen sank down, and the sound of that moment was really chilly.

It seemed that the woman’s speed is very fast.

She want to escape, from me? He really wanted to see where she could escape!

The entire hotel had monitoring, the previous one did not say, just after she left his room, from the 22nd floor to the first floor hall, must be photographed.

Chapter 9 He is late for one step 1


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