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Sweet Mischief’s Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 1027

In recent years, we've seen a rise in only children. Even in families with more than one kid, parents strive to treat their sons and daughters equally. So, when a daughter wants to spend the holidays with her folks, it's no biggie for progressive parents. But for more old-school families, it might stir up some drama.

Mia casually suggested, "Hey babe, how about we spend the holidays at my parents' this year? Cooper's school isn't taking a break, so it'll just be my mom and dad."

Andre seized the moment at dinner to announce, "Mia and I have decided to take turns spending holidays with both families. If we can't settle on this, I'll just head back with Mia and our son to our place."

Hansen picked up on the subtle challenge in his son's voice, "Andre, we've always celebrated here."

Andre shot back, "The first year, Mia was the new bride, so we made the rounds with relatives. The second year was Henry's first, so we stayed at the Cedillo house as tradition. This year isn't special, so we should be free to choose."

Molly quickly added, "Well, that's perfect, Dad. So I can head back to my folks' for the holidays too, right? If you're going all traditional on us, thinking daughters-in-law should only celebrate with in-laws, then... Chad, let's skip dinner and head back to the Byrne family, my parents' place for the holidays." With that, she stood up.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you joining the ruckus for?" Hansen pointed at his daughter, "Sit down."

Molly plopped back into her seat, "I thought you were all about daughters-in-law sticking with the in-laws."

Hansen was exasperated with his brood. He missed them when they weren't home, but they sure knew how to rile him up when they were. Yet, he adored them, "When did I ever say that? I... I mean... I never said that! You wanna spend the holidays with the Irvin family, go for it. We're all in the same city, just a half-hour drive away. No biggie."

Mia swiftly chimed in, "Exactly, Dad's the smartest. We don't even need to make a fuss over such small stuff, right?"

With that compliment, Hansen's mood lightened instantly, "Ah, yes! Mia knows me best."


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