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Sweet Mischief’s Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 1105

"My sister has always been the kindest to me, the best person in my life. My parents were hoping for a son when they had me, but instead, they got another daughter. They were a bit let down, but my sister was thrilled. She'd hold me close every day, overjoyed to have a little sister, always saying, 'A sister to cherish, a lifetime of bliss.'

My sister had a love for dresses, the kind you'd see on a Barbie doll. She shared her favorites with me, even getting some custom-made. So growing up, I had a closet full of dresses, and everyone around was envious.

When I was a kid, the neighbors, an uncle and aunt, tricked me into hanging from a high horizontal bar. It was nearly two meters off the ground. They lifted me up and then just left me there. I was terrified of letting go, even though I knew it wouldn't be fatal, I’d definitely get hurt.

I just kept crying until my sister, looking for me to have dinner, heard my cries. Just as I couldn’t hold on any longer, she dashed over and caught me. Thanks to her, I didn't end up in the hospital, but she fell and broke her arm.

Afterwards, my parents were upset, both for me and my sister, and they confronted our neighbors. But the neighbors didn't care at all, denied everything, and even insulted my parents for not having a son. It turned out, our family, the Martins, was going through tough times, and the neighbors took the chance to teach us a cruel lesson, fueled by old and new grudges.

My sister knew too. Because she saved me, her arm was injured, and she missed her competition."

Conner looked at Annie's arm, his eyes filled with anger. "What happened to that neighbor family?"

"I don’t know. Not long after, my sister started seeing Emmery. The day after they got together, there were cries and pleas for help coming from that neighbor's house in the middle of the night. After that, we never saw them again." That night, Annie was scared and went to her sister’s room, only to find it empty.

She sneaked to the doorway and saw her sister, with her arm in a cast, standing next to a man, watching the neighbor's house without a trace of emotion.

Chapter 1105 1

Chapter 1105 2

Chapter 1105 3


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