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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 1006

Chapter 1006 

Since Larissa had gone downstairs alone. It was natural to expect a few questions

Where’s Kevan? Why isn’t he coming down with you?” 

Where’s Daddy? He said he would launch fireworks with me.” 

Larissa waked over calmly and made up an excuse. He’s tired, so he showered and slept.” 

The older people did not doubt her. Only Lew’s stared at her thoughtfully

OhWhy did Daddy sleep so early?Aster pouted in disappointment

You can get him to launch fireworks with you tomorrow. It’ll be the same.Larissa patted his head, keeping a calm expression on her face

Anthony and Viclet gave the gifts they’d prepared to Larissa and Aster

Violet looked at them, tears falling down her cheeks

I have no regrets now,she said

Thank you, Mom. Larissa gave her a big hug

Violet was stunned, and she cried harder

Good girlShe hugged Larissa back, smiling widely

After Anthony and Violet, Gary and Lewis gave them their gifts. However, they were calm. Aster was so happy that he jumped for joy

Once the little ceremony was over, the parents began showing signs of their exhaustion

Anthony said, It’s getting late.” 

Larissa reached out to Aster. It’s time for you to sleep, Aster.” 

Aster was holding all his gifts. He put them reluctantly in Larissa’s arms and followed her upstairs

Once Lanssa put Aster to sleep, she dawdled around before assuming that Kevan’s temper was probably gone

The entire house was quiet

Everyone else had probably slept

Larissa opened the bedroom door. It was dark Even the nightlight that she’d left behind has been turned off

While she was wondering how weird it was an arm in the dark shot out and grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her into the room

Larissa wanted to scream, but someone clamped their hand over her mouth

Kevan closed the door with his heel 

Then, the door was locked with a click. Larissa was then pushed against the wall

In the dark, all she saw was a pair of bright eyes, iluminated green

Larissa shuddered

She had no idea how Keyan had managed to escape from the ties she’d tied on him. But now was

I was wrong,she apologized immediately, Irying to put him in a good mood

Ill give you one more chance.Kevan was unmoved

He pressed her firmly against the wall and began biling her solt lips

not a good time to ask


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