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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 265

“After so many years, the time has finally come.” Toby was thrilled when he could relive the hatred in him freely, for he had a hard time suppressing it.

“Also, why didn’t you insist on eating at that table? If you had brought her there, I wouldn’t have drugged the food.” He was unhappy that he had wasted his ingredients.

Jaxon, who was smiling wickedly before, regained his composure and said faintly, “It’s fine. She’s now unconscious, anyway.”

“You did great this time, kid. Now, our family will be able to get our revenge!” said Toby.

Hearing his words, Jaxon asked, “I still don’t understand. You kept telling me that it was Elspeth who wiped out the Wilcox Family, but you never told me the reason why.” As he spoke, he thought about her smile. Although she is quite an evil character, she couldn’t have killed my entire family.

“You’ll understand it when the time comes. I want you to know that to bring back the Wilcox Family’s reputation, we have to kill her. Only when we take over Evil Wind Sect will our deceased family members be at ease.”

As he spoke, Jaxon already knew what he was thinking. After all, Toby had been eyeing Evil Wind Sect for a long time. Now that Elspeth had been drugged, he couldn’t even hide the smile on his face.

“What are you going to do next?” he asked.

When Toby heard his words, he thought carefully about it. Although Elspeth is wearing light makeup and comfy clothes, she is still quite the beauty…

“Stand outside and guard this place. I’ll kill her without anyone’s knowledge by using hydrogen fluoride. As soon as she dissolves into a puddle of bloody water, no one will be able to find her!” he said half-truthfully.

When Jaxon heard his words, he didn’t want to guess if Toby was lying or not. He just felt pity for Elspeth. With that, he stood up and left after giving a final pitiful glance to Elspeth, who remained unconscious.

Just as he left, Elspeth immediately opened her eyes.

In the meantime, Toby was about to touch her. When he saw that she had opened her eyes, he thought he had not used enough dosage and would drug her again. However, Elspeth kicked him before he could even act. Her movements were fast, and he was kicked in the shin.

“You!” Toby crouched and covered his wounded leg as he howled in pain.

“Stop groaning. I’ll throw you outside if you keep doing that.” As Elspeth spoke, she rubbed her wrists as they were getting sore from lying on the table.

“How is this possible? Why are you still awake?” At this moment, Toby was dumbfounded. After all, he had told Jaxon to watch her swallow the food. Moreover, his drugs were the real deal. Thus, he couldn’t understand why this was happening.

“Of course, I’m still awake. I’ll be long dead if I’m not cautious around people like you. Moreover, how could I overlook the hatred in your eyes when it was blatantly obvious?”

Fortunately, Elspeth had not swallowed the food since she had taken precautions. Instead, she hid it in her mouth, lay her head between her arms, and immediately spat under the table when the duo was talking. Since no one had noticed her, Toby didn’t catch it either.

“Although I have underestimated you, it doesn’t matter. This is my base camp. I can do whatever I want.”

Since Jaxon was still outside, Toby felt he had a higher chance of subduing her.


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