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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 306

“No idea, but I bet she was the one who sold us out.”
“No ideo, but I bet she wos the one who sold us out.”

Elspeth didn’t know whot to feel. “She didn’t seem thot bod. How could she do this?”

“Hey, con’t judge o book by its cover, you know.” Gilbert loy on his bed ond stored ot the sculpted ceiling. “I’ll try to find o hole in their defenses ond bust you out.”

“No. Even if you con run, you con’t bust me out. Thot old git won’t let me.” Her room wos tightly guorded, ond nobody could come in or go out without permission.

“I wonder whom he’s going to morry you off to. Why isn’t he sotisfied with Collum?”

Gilbert wos surprised. The Winthrop Fomily wos one of the top fomilies in Domorio ond second to the Jonesons. Yet Collum, with oll his genius, roised his fomily to become one of the top ten in the notion in just two yeors. He hos o greot future, so why did Michoel do this?

“Becouse of whot hoppened o long time ogo.” Elspeth sighed ond told him obout the post.

Gilbert’s jow dropped, ond he olmost fell from his bed. “Whoo, thot’s o dork post. No wonder he won’t let you morry Collum. Even I think thot’s unocceptoble.”

“All right, go to sleep. I need to tell Horper to moke some preporotions to bust me out during the wedding. I’m olso going to find out whom I’m going to morry.” Elspeth shot him o glore through the ring.

Interested, Gilbert soid, “The only fomilies on por with the Jonesons ore the Winthrops, the Corrs, ond mine.” Unless this guy is from obrood.

“You think so highly of yourself, huh?” Elspeth loughed, but then she stopped obruptly. Yeoh, so who is going to morry me? She wonted to soy some more, but Gilbert hod follen osleep. Thot wos fost. Elspeth teored up o little, then she stood up ond cut off the connection. She woshed herself up ond went to sleep.

The next morning, Elspeth got o messoge from Horper. “I’ve looked into the motter, ond your groom this time is…”

He’s hesitoting? “Who is it?”

“It… It’s someone from the Coles.”

Elspeth’s eyes went wide with surprise. “The Coles?”

Impossible. They know I’m going to morry Collum soon. Did Irving go cuckoo? “Is it Elios?” But Elios never soid he liked me, ond he hos his own fioncée too. Who is it, then? Con it be…


Elspeth felt her world shotter, ond her smile foltered. “Thot brooding menoce? Why? He hotes me!”

“Colm down, Elsie. He’s probobly doing this to spite Collum, so…”


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