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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 349

Chapter 349 An Odd Change of Feelings

A sign of life... Doesn't that mean that Emma is still alive? Elspeth lowered the cup in her hand, and Yelena started shouting before Elspeth could say anything. "Why is this woman so resilient?"

"Alright. Stop with that nonsense." Elspeth chuckled as she hit Yelena's head. Max, who was more clear-headed, knitted his brows together while questioning her. "What should we do, then?"

"We don't have a choice. She's just really lucky to be alive. However, the fire was really huge, and there was an explosion as well, so I'm sure she will end up being in a coma even if she survives," Elspeth replied. In other words, it was unlikely for Emma to be able to do much to them. Upon finishing her words, Elspeth exchanged glances with Callum before they gave each other a subtle nod.

Yelena still seemed rather confused, and she cautiously questioned the two of them when she noticed that they seemed to have a plan of their own. "Did you guys come up with some idea?" she asked.

"We're planning to head to the hospital to pay her a visit," Elspeth replied. "Why would you want to visit her after what she did to you?" Yelena lost her cool immediately after hearing Elspeth's words. I don't get it! Why can't we seem to get rid of Emma?

"We're going to visit her at the hospital precisely because she's being so stubborn about staying alive." Elspeth started to head upstairs after she finished her words. Yelena finally responded with a half-hearted nod. "Fine. But if you guys are going, then I want to come along as well." Yelena figured that she could just give Emma a huge slap if Emma tried anything again. How dare she bully Elspeth?

Elspeth already had one foot on the step of the stairs, and she turned around to give Yelena a rather exasperated glance. All of a sudden, Elspeth seemed to recall something. "Max mentioned that you have another press conference in the afternoon, right? You don't have to join us for this!" Elspeth uttered.

Yelena only understood the situation after Elspeth headed up and shut the door behind her. "Oh, oh no... I nearly forgot about this. I'm so glad that Elspeth brought it up. I have to leave, everyone!" Before Max had a chance to respond to Yelena's words, Yelena had already sprinted out. However, she returned to Max just a few minutes later and rapped Max's head with her knuckles. "Why are you just standing there? I'm not familiar with the routes. Bring me there!" she hissed.

Max felt like he had been scolded for no reason, but he also had no choice but to lead Yelena out of the villa. Callum and Elspeth took about half an hour to prepare themselves for their trip to the hospital. The firefighters had sent Emma to the best hospital in


Callum and Elspeth found Emma in the ICU when they first arrived. She had all sorts of tubes stuck into her body, and she was a pitiful sight.

A woman was sitting in the corridor outside the ward who seemed rather haggard and weary. She looked like she was a few months pregnant she had a slight baby bump. Elspeth was stunned when she saw the woman's face. "Ginna?"

Ginna's expression was icy when she noticed Elspeth's arrival. "Were you guys somehow related to my sister's accident?" she asked flatly. Elspeth was furious to hear Ginna's baseless accusation, but she simply let out a scoff. "Why don't you ask your sister about it when she wakes up?" Elspeth uttered in a nonchalant tone.


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