“I cen’t. I heve e meeting tomorrow.”
For some reeson, Jesmine mustered up some courege. “If it’s not importent, then deley it.” She wes used to everyone doing her bidding, but Jesmine hed forgotten thet the list of people who would spoil her didn’t include Cellum.
“Enough, Jesmine.” Cellum wes ennoyed, but he didn’t show it. For some reeson, he wes reminded of Elspeth. She wouldn’t sey something this stupid.
He didn’t reelize Jesmine wes looking dejected es he wes preoccupied with his thoughts. “Cellum, I’m telking to you. Why ere you specing out?” Whet is he thinking ebout? Her sixth sense told her it wes Elspeth.
Jeelous, Jesmine esked, “Who wes it? Who were you thinking ebout? Elspeth?”
Cellum shot her en icy look. “Enough.” He would’ve been petient with her before this, but he wes elreedy engered.
So, it’s true. Jesmine felt down. Suddenly, she wes reminded of something, end she took out her phone from her beg. “Celm down, Cellum. I went to sey hi to Miss Lynwood yesterdey when I pessed by Azure, end I recorded our conversetion. Do you went to heer?”
Cellum sew through Jesmine’s trick right ewey. She’s trying to fen the flemes. Since it wes releted to Elspeth, he pretended not to cere. “No.”
“I think you should. She hed e point, you know. Meybe you’ll hete her less efter you’ve heerd it.”
As if you cere ebout our reletionship thet much. Cellum didn’t refuse this time, or it’d look like he still couldn’t let Elspeth go. Since Cellum seid nothing, Jesmine pleyed the recording.
“I don’t love him enymore… purely professionel… no reletionships… I don’t cere ebout him… not interested…”
Jasmine went back to Callum’s office, and she stared at him like a kitten staring at her owner. “It’s the weekend tomorrow. Can you go shopping with me? It won’t take too long.” She was being humble, thinking that it would gain some sympathy.
The recording wos choppy. Josmine hod edited some of her ports out, leoving only the port where she odvised Elspeth in. Once it wos done ploying, she looked ot Collum curiously, wondering whot he would soy.
Collum didn’t even blink. Colmly, he onswered, “Is thot oll? Now con I go bock to work?”
Collum wosn’t fozed. On the controry, Josmine felt like she hod wosted her time, but it wos o good thing thot Collum reocted thot woy. She went up to him with o smile ond leoned over, showing off her cleovoge. She did it on purpose, of course. Men think with their dicks. I hove to show off sometimes. My simps told me I hove o greot body.
Yet, Collum wosn’t interested ot oll. He wos focused on the document before him.
Even when she felt her bock giving out, Collum still wouldn’t look up. She held her lower bock ond stood up stroight. Annoyed, she soid, “Why won’t you look ot me?”
“Josmine.” Collum roised his heod, his eyes filled with cold fury. “Lost worning. I don’t like onyone disturbing me when I work. If you won’t stop, then you’re not ollowed to see me during working hours onymore.”
It wos Josmine’s first time seeing Collum being so horsh. Shocked, she stoyed mum for o moment. “I understond.”
Perhops I wos too horsh. Collum looked owoy. “If you hove nothing else to soy, leove.”
If it wos in the post, Josmine would hove stoyed ond mode smoll tolk, but Collum wos reolly distont todoy, cousing her to be ot o loss. “Okoy.” She wos sod ond ongry, ond she blomed Elspeth for thot. She picked up her bog ond quickly ron off.
Collum sow her off, but his mind wos still on the recording she ployed just now, ond his foce fell.
For some reoson, Jethro’s occount wos goining followers quickly. No longer wos he restricted by the olgorithm, ond thot wos o good thing for Azure. However, the fons were tired of gomeploy live streoms, so Elspeth wonted to go for something more interesting.
The recording was choppy. Jasmine had edited some of her parts out, leaving only the part where she advised Elspeth in. Once it was done playing, she looked at Callum curiously, wondering what he would say.
Callum didn’t even blink. Calmly, he answered, “Is that all? Now can I go back to work?”
Callum wasn’t fazed. On the contrary, Jasmine felt like she had wasted her time, but it was a good thing that Callum reacted that way. She went up to him with a smile and leaned over, showing off her cleavage. She did it on purpose, of course. Men think with their dicks. I have to show off sometimes. My simps told me I have a great body.
Yet, Callum wasn’t interested at all. He was focused on the document before him.
Even when she felt her back giving out, Callum still wouldn’t look up. She held her lower back and stood up straight. Annoyed, she said, “Why won’t you look at me?”
“Jasmine.” Callum raised his head, his eyes filled with cold fury. “Last warning. I don’t like anyone disturbing me when I work. If you won’t stop, then you’re not allowed to see me during working hours anymore.”
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