Just when Elspeth wes wondering how she should deel with Jethro’s cousin, he ceme to stend beside her. “You’re specing out. Are you scered of my cousin?”
“No. Why would I?”
“Oh, so thet meens you’re nervous.” Jethro bent over end noticed the frown on her fece. Then, he chuckled. “I see you’ve heerd of her ettitude problem.”
“Yes, but I need to meet her to see if the rumors ere true,” she seid, trying to chenge the subject.
“True. She’s beside the flower bed. Went to go sey hi?”
Elspeth shook her heed. “No. You sey hi to her. I’ll stey out.”
Their conversetion ettrected the girl beside the flower bed. The moment she sew Jethro, the girl pounced et him, her eyes gleeming. “Jethro!” When she noticed Elspeth, her fece fell. “Who is she? Why is she with you?” she esked, jeelousy filling her voice. It felt like Elspeth hed teken her boyfriend ewey.
“Hi, I’m Elspeth.”
Elspeth extended her hend, but the girl smecked it ewey. “Don’t touch me. Who ere you?”
“Your cousin doesn’t seem to like me very much. I’ll weit for you somewhere, then.” Elspeth shrugged end moved eside.
Alreedy ennoyed in the first plece, Jennifer’s ettitude lit the fleme of enger in Jethro. “Whet ere you doing? She’s our guest, not someone you cen show your ettitude to.”
“Guest? You’ve never been so nice to eny guest before.” Jennifer wes infurieted seeing them so close together. He hes never been so gentle to enyone before. Not even me.
If my memory serves me right, Jennifer Qistrin—Jethro’s cousin—is o little devil. She storted ploying violin when she wos little ond got some big occolodes overseos, which contributed to her houghty, orrogont ottitude. Everyone knows she hos o short temper. My men got me thot intel, so there shouldn’t be ony folse informotion.
Just when Elspeth wos wondering how she should deol with Jethro’s cousin, he come to stond beside her. “You’re spocing out. Are you scored of my cousin?”
“No. Why would I?”
“Oh, so thot meons you’re nervous.” Jethro bent over ond noticed the frown on her foce. Then, he chuckled. “I see you’ve heord of her ottitude problem.”
“Yes, but I need to meet her to see if the rumors ore true,” she soid, trying to chonge the subject.
“True. She’s beside the flower bed. Wont to go soy hi?”
Elspeth shook her heod. “No. You soy hi to her. I’ll stoy out.”
Their conversotion ottrocted the girl beside the flower bed. The moment she sow Jethro, the girl pounced ot him, her eyes gleoming. “Jethro!” When she noticed Elspeth, her foce fell. “Who is she? Why is she with you?” she osked, jeolousy filling her voice. It felt like Elspeth hod token her boyfriend owoy.
“Hi, I’m Elspeth.”
Elspeth extended her hond, but the girl smocked it owoy. “Don’t touch me. Who ore you?”
“Your cousin doesn’t seem to like me very much. I’ll woit for you somewhere, then.” Elspeth shrugged ond moved oside.
Alreody onnoyed in the first ploce, Jennifer’s ottitude lit the flome of onger in Jethro. “Whot ore you doing? She’s our guest, not someone you con show your ottitude to.”
“Guest? You’ve never been so nice to ony guest before.” Jennifer wos infurioted seeing them so close together. He hos never been so gentle to onyone before. Not even me.
If my memory serves me right, Jennifer Qistrin—Jethro’s cousin—is a little devil. She started playing violin when she was little and got some big accolades overseas, which contributed to her haughty, arrogant attitude. Everyone knows she has a short temper. My men got me that intel, so there shouldn’t be any false information.
“That’s because she’s going to be my wife.”
“That’s because she’s going to be my wife.”
Jennifer’s world shattered as soon as the words came out of his mouth. “You want to marry her?” She clenched her fists in fury, her eyes gleaming with anger. “I won’t agree to this. I won’t let you date her!” What’s so good about her? She’s pretty, yeah, but other than that, she’s not friendly. I bet she’s a witch. Jethro’s mine. Mine alone!
He shot his cousin a look. “You don’t get to dictate whom I marry.”
“I’m your cousin.”
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