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Take Control of Yourself, Please novel (Anna and Liam) novel Chapter 121

Liam started his car engine and drove off.

Anna clutched her seatbelt anxiously. She stared straight ahead, too afraid to even glance at Liam.

She did not know what she was nervous about, but she always felt especially uneasy when she was with Liam. Her heart was in disarray and she had no way o f calming it down.

To make matters worse, her condition worsened after every meeting. It had come to a point where she could not even look him in the eyes.

To relieve the tension in the air, and her own anxiety, Anna forced herself to talk. However, she ended up saying something that made her want to beat herself t o death.

"Why were you staying in the hospital for so long? You don't seem to be at the age where you need to be admitted for check-ups. You’re still young."

She merely wanted to know why he was in the hospital and how he 'coincidentally' got the room beside hers.

"Are you saying..." Liam turned to her. His thin lips were curled up into something that resembled a smile.

"... I'm still a young and strong stud?” he asked, yet his question clearly demonstrated the confidence he had i

n himself.

Anna's cheeks instantly reddened.

She should have just kept quiet! He always had a way t o twist her words!

Anna shut her mouth angrily. She turned her head away and gazed at the dazzling cityscape outside the window.

The scene felt familiar to her. Anna was suddenly reminded of the day he sent her home from the theaters-the day he ran through the rain to buy eye drops for her...

A feeling of warmth welled up in her heart, followed b y a tingling feeling of confusion.

They were from two different worlds, so why did he keep creating ripples in her heart? If they were to continue down this road, there would be no turning back.

Liam noticed her silence. He glanced at her exquisite side profile. Her skin was as white as alabaster, which made him yearn to lean in for a kiss.

"Aren’t you happy that I was keeping you company in the hospital?" Liam said in a soft tone.

"Please, you were only there to fulfill your perverted fetish of voyeurism!" Anna rolled her eyes.

"Do you think you have anything I'd want to peep at?"

His gaze lingered on her chest for a while.

Anna quickly crossed her arms in front of her chest. Her cheeks instantly turned red hot. "What are you looking at?"

"What do you think I’m looking at?" He chuckled and turned his focus back onto driving.


Anna looked Liam up and down. She could only the side profile of his face. She gazed at his high nose bridge, the sharp and angular outlines of his face, and the perfectly combed short hair of his...

He looked exceedingly cool and handsome as his hands skillfully turned the steering wheel as if it was just a toy.

Anna snickered. A man like him would never lack women in his life.

Any woman that saw him would swarm him like a horde of butterflies. They would do anything in their power to win him over, hoping that someday, something sexy and fervent would happen between them.

"What uncomfortable eyes! I bet you've just become old and frail because of all the exhaustion! There wasn’t even a need for you to stay at the hospital!" Anna rolled her eyes. She did not realize that her voice carried the tone of a jealous little girl.

Liam raised his brows. His amorous gaze scanned her entire body. "I’m exhausted because of you."

Liam suddenly stopped the car. That was when Anna realized they had stopped in a dark corner of the street with not a single person in sight.

"W-w-what are you doing?" Anna clutched anxiously onto her seatbelt. She felt as if that was the thing that could keep her safe.

Liam leaned over. His handsome face magnified before Anna’s eyes. He lowered the back of her seat, turning it into a tiny bed.


Anna yelped out of shock and fear. She pressed both hands against his heavy body, trying to stop him from pressing closer onto her.

"W-w-what the hell are doing?" Her voice quavered with fear.

"I think I have to let you see for yourself, whether I'm old and frail!” The corner of his lips curled up into a sinister smile as his hefty body pressed onto her.

Anna struggled. Her hands pushed hard against his body. She wanted to slip out from beneath him but her seatbelt keeping her tightly in place. Anna felt like a fish on a cutting board.


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