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Take Control of Yourself, Please novel (Anna and Liam) novel Chapter 142

Anna was a little confused.

What was Charles talking about?

What gift? What did he mean by my "little lady”? What was I supposed to be satisfied with?

His tone and the way he used the word "little lady”, why did it sound like Liam?

However, would Liam be so bored as to create a WhatsApp account and contact her occasionally? He even spent a lot of money for her in the group chat.

She felt that Liam would not have the free time to do such things, nor the energy to put in such effort to make her happy.

Although Anna disliked Charles for appearing and disappearing out of nowhere, the lucky draws he hosted in the group chat managed to stop her schoolmates from gossiping about her.

As the saying goes, there was no such thing as a free lunch.

There was also that time when people were gossipping about her in the group chat and Charles wanted to report them as accomplices to a scam. That completely shocked all the students in the school.

Daniel gave Chloe a call after he brought Anna back home, he ordered her to return home immediately.

Chloe was still with Bryan and had just escaped the restaurant, they drove to a secluded area to temporarily catch their breath. Her father's call made her heart felt like leaping out and sent shivers down her spine.

"Bryan, Daddy wouldn't have known about this right? I'm really scared, I don’t want to go home, I wouldn't dare either. You have to help me," said Chloe as she held onto Bryan's hand tightly.

Bryan held onto the steering wheel tightly with his hands while he constantly surveyed his surroundings for any movements as he was afraid of being followed.


Bryan strived to calm his mind and said, "Probably not, go home and don't say a word. Remember not to say anything, I'll handle this myself!”

"Bryan, I'm really scared, how about we... elope? Leave this place and run away!"

Bryan pushed aside Chloe's hand in one swift motion and growled, "Can you shut up for a moment! Stop making so much noise!"

"I've told you before to stop clinging onto me all the time, now look what happened!"

Chloe had never seen Bryan so furious before and her face went pale with fear, i "Bryan, I..."

"Get out of my car, do you still want people to take pictures of us together?"

"Bryan, don’t... don’t be mad, I'll... I'll leave right away." Chloe held back her tears as she spoke in a choked voice. She quickly opened the door and got down the car.

"Remember, if you dare speak out of turn and cause trouble, I’ll make sure to drag you down with me!" threatened Bryan coldly as he stared at Chloe.

Chloe nodded without hesitation and said, "I... I definitely won't say a thing."

Bryan furiously slammed the steering wheel and exclaimed, "Who the hell is the one messing with me!"

"When I find out who that person is, I'll definitely kill them!"

Chloe quickly took a taxi and went home.

Bryan loitered on the streets for a while before quickly heading home as well.

The most important thing to him at that moment was t o keep his grandmother calm. No matter how messy things were, as long as his grandmother stood by his side he would still be the young master of the Hamilton family!


Grandmother Dawson brutally slapped Bryan across the face.

"Look at what you’ve done! You've dragged the reputation of the Dawsons through the mud!”

Grandmother Dawson used her cane and poked at the newspaper on the table. "Look, the newspapers and magazines have already published it and were hurriedly delivered to our home!"

Bryan's face went pale as he dared not look at the unsightly pictures of him and Chloe in the newspaper. He could not help but tremble all over.

"Granny... This isn’t true..."

Grandmother Dawson was so enraged that her chest rose violently up and down, the raging fire in her eyes wanted to leap out and burn Bryan to a crisp.

"You still dare to deny this?!’’

"Granny... Someone wants to harm me, it has to be! Else how could the reporters act so quickly!"

It was barely over an hour but the newspapers and magazines had already been published and delivered t o their home.

There was no clear explanation as to how it happened so suddenly, except for the possibility that it was planned and they were simply waiting for the pictures to arrive.

"Granny, you have to believe me, how could I have done such a thing! Chloe and I... It's just that she keeps clinging onto me, she knows how to cling onto a person. No matter how hard I try to dump her, I couldn't get rid of her... That's why it caused a misunderstanding with the reporters."

"Haven’t I told you before to break it off completely with Chloe? You’ve let my words fall on deaf ears! Or is it that you're all grown up and so independent that you don’t need the Dawsons anymore? Cough..." Grandmother Dawson was so furious that she could hardly breathe and started coughing violently.

Bryan hastily rushed forward to support Grandmother Dawson but he was pushed aside.

Grandmother Dawson clutched her chest with discomfort and said, "You're going to be the death of m e..."


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