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Take Control of Yourself, Please novel (Anna and Liam) novel Chapter 194

The restaurant that Liam chose was a high-end restaurant.

Its extravagant interior made the restaurant seem like a palace.

Anna sat across from Liam, glaring at him disgruntledly.

That man was constantly cooking up schemes to trick her into bed! How utterly despicable!

When the waiter handed them the menu, Liam did not even glance at it before spitting out three words.

"The Royal Banquet."

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Anna almost spat blood.

She hurriedly flipped through the menu to check the price of a Royal Banquet in such a high-class restaurant.

However, she could not find it at all.

"Miss, the Royal Banquet is a set dinner. Each set is four hundred and sixty thousand dollars. I shall take your order to the kitchen now." Having said that, the waiter politely excused himself from the table.

Anna choked. She fell limp onto the table and pointed her finger weakly at Liam.

"Can you even finish such a huge set? How can you waste food so recklessly! Don’t you know that wasting i s the greatest crime on earth!"

"It's your treat," Liam pointed out calmly.

"Even if I'm paying, you still shouldn't waste it!"

"It's not my money."

"Even if it's not your money, you still shouldn't be thriftless!"

"I just spent twenty million." Liam still maintained his composed manner.

"Twenty million? On what? How could you waste so much money so recklessly!” Anna saw him tapping on his phone for a while. She thought with those few taps, Liam managed to spend twenty million in a flash.

"You ought to cut your fingers off!" Anna chided as she lamented over it.

Liam calmly spat out two words, "The bridal boutique."


Anna placed her hands to her chest. "I knew it was a path with no return."

If she had known this would happen, she never would have gone to the bridal boutique with Liam. Sure, trampling over Anna and Bryan felt amazing, but at that moment, Liam was about to spend her whole year's worth of allowance on one meal...

The moment Anna thought about that, every organ in her body cried out in pain.

Liam gazed at her with a smile. "Ms. Anna, the order has already been made. Just enjoy it."

Anna's heart was bleeding. How could she enjoy a meal that would send her into poverty?

Just as the aching in her heart was turning unbearable, a sound of laughter came from behind her.

“So you're finally fulfilling your promise of treating me to a feast. To what do I owe this pleasure to?” Micheal chuckled as he entered the restaurant. He adjusted his glasses and turned to Anna.

Anna straightened her clothes and sat upright like a proper lady. She smiled at Micheal courteously.

"Dr. Hart."

Micheal glanced at the rectangular table. Liam and Anna were sitting across from each other. No matter where he sat, he would end up being the third wheel between them. In the end, he had no choice but to sit a t one edge of the table, which could also be considered the center seat.

"Isn’t it a little inappropriate for you to treat me to a feast on such a good day?" Micheal smiled awkwardly. He yearned for a chance to escape.

"It’s Ms. Hamilton's treat tonight, so there’s no need to be courteous." Liam turned to Anna and smiled.

Anna placed her hand to her head. No matter how much her heart ached, she could not let it show. In front of Micheal, she had no choice but to force a bright smile onto her face. "Dr. Hart, order whatever you like.”

Anna pushed the menu toward Micheal, who was seated quite far away from them.

"The Royal Banquet has 108 different dishes. There's nothing I'd like to eat that's not in there." Having said that, Micheal turned to Liam and grumbled, "You're a lying little bastard. You told me that it's your treat.


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