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Take Me Away novel Chapter 334

After the birth of Rick, Spencer's love for Sarah has increased to an almost outrageous degree. On the one hand, although Sarah was sister, she was still his daughter after all, so he wanted to give more love to her. What's more, he owed Sarah nearly three years. From her birth to her learning to call him dad, he didn't stay with Sarah and Fiona, so he should compensate her anyway. On the other hand, Spencer was not happy with the fact that Rick always stayed with Fiona, so he had to be against Rick and didn't want to care about him. He thought in his mind that he should not spoil his son, because only in this way could he grow up quickly...

The love and indulgence of Spencer had allowed Sarah to do whatever they wanted. Even Fiona couldn't blame her. But Sarah's grandfather Ethan and great grandfather Wayne preferred her so much, which made Sarah more unbridled. However, Sarah's capricious behavior didn't annoy Fiona. On the contrary, she gave others a reasonable excuse for what she did. As a result, even Fiona couldn't refute her and love her more. Sometimes, Fiona would doubt that she had given birth to the twins in a wrong sex. Sarah should be a boy, because her domineering manner must be very similar to that of Spencer...

"Margery, go and drink the milk. Your brother has finished. As his sister, shouldn't you set an example for him?" At the table, Fiona pushed a glass of milk to Margery. Sarah was already very beautiful, she had inherited the good looks of Spencer and Fiona. When she was in her first grade, she received many naive and innocent love letters and small gifts. Taking last night for example, she had brought a large bag of cards and gifts and sent them to Simon.

"Mom, dad told me that I can have the right not to drink milk. Drinking milk is for my health, but now I am now very healthy, so I don't need to drink it. " After Margery finished her words, she grabbed the hair band, bound her hair with it and tied it up neatly. When she saw Spencer coming downstairs, she ran to him in a hurry and shouted, "Dad, come and have breakfast!"

Having requested for Sarah, Spencer put on the camouflage uniform, bent slightly and picked up Sarah. "Why haven't you eaten yet?"

"I'm waiting for Daddy!" Sarah said sweetly.

Smiling, Fiona shook her head and said to her son sitting next to her, "Simon, daddy's going down the stairs now. Why didn't you greet him?"

Simon was lowering his head and eating. When he heard Fiona's words, he raised his head and called indifferently, "Dad!"

"You bad boy." Giving a snort of contempt, Spencer came to him with Sarah in his arms. He raised his hand and rubbed his head forcibly, "Shouldn't you be very excited to see your father?"

Like Spencer, Simon stuck out his tongue at him and said in a low voice, "You're a bad father! I'm not happy at all! " He had slept well with his mother last night. When he opened his eyes this morning, his mother had already been taken away by his father. He was so angry.

"Simon, today you're going to the kindergarten." With a smile, Fiona touched her son's little face and said, "You can play with your brothers Aaron and Liam."

Simon raised his head and looked cool, "Well, I can't see Mommy all day long?"

"Well Theoretically, it is. " Fiona smiled, "Because mom has to work."

Simon pouted and looked unhappy. When Spencer heard what his son said, he pulled a long face and said, "Rick, how old are you now? You can't stay with your mother all the time. You should learn to be independent."

Hearing this, Simon immediately stretched out three fingers and stressed, "I am less than three years old!"

"Three years old is old enough!" Spencer then glanced at his son and added, "Now you are a little man."

"……" The corners of Fiona's mouth twitched. She was still not used to the way Spencer taught his son. He always took Simon as an adult. However, it was strange that Simon was more composed and sensitive than others since he was born. Like Spencer, he was indeed like a little adult. But it was strange that he always liked to stay with Fiona. Besides, he was born with an inexplicable liking for piano. People said that Fiona was a talented pianist and she had a successor.

When they were having dinner, they heard the voice of Vivian. They saw Terence holding Vivian into the living room. Their two sons were running towards the hall of the Cheng family excitedly while shouting, "Auntie Fiona, uncle Spencer!"

"uncle Terence, aunt Vivian." Sarah and Simon also greeted them.

"Good boy."

Noticing the kids pouncing on them, Fiona rushed to them and kissed them on their cheeks. "Have you eaten breakfast? Why haven't you gone to school? "

"Dad wants us to come over and go to school with Simon" Liam said with a smile.

"Good boy." Smiling, Fiona stroked the boy's face.

At the sight of this, Aaron immediately put his face close to Fiona. Fiona understood and touched him, and the boy smiled sweetly.

With a big belly, Vivian smiled at this scene and said, "The two little guys are even closer to Fiona than to me."

"That's because you and Terence both pay attention to the little girl in your belly, our Liam and Aaron feel wronged." said Fiona with a smile.

"Boys should be treated wrongly and know how cruel the world is." Terence added, and Spencer nodded with agreement, "You're right."

With a sigh, Fiona shook her head with a smile. Because of Terence's sternness to his two sons, the two of them now had consciously turned into little gentlemen. Their poker face was pitiful. Boys were meant to be independent when they were born in Cheng family and He family!

After breakfast, they sent Sarah to primary school. Spencer got off the car with Sarah in his arms. Wearing camouflage clothing, he looked very handsome in the eyes of the children. Sarah raised her head proudly. She put her arm around Spencer's neck and said, "Daddy, you're awesome!"


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