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Taken By My Alpha novel Chapter 1

I stopped at the door frame and looked around. No Tiffany, No Brutus. Then I quietly sneaked out of the kitchen with a small sandwich in my hand.


My father, the beta of Silvae Pack died several years ago from a rogue attack. My mom, Clarice, married the alpha of our pack, Brutus, whose mate had also died a few years ago after giving birth to his daughter, Tiffany. 


It was all good at first, but it turned to a living hell when two years ago, on my sixteenth birthday I shifted into something that no one, ever in the history of werewolves had ever seen- a dooling fluffy pup that can’t even fight off a sick dog. 


That weakness became the reason for everyone in the pack to turn me into an easy target to bully along with Brutus, and Tiffany.


Rushing to my mom who was taking away plates on the pack’s dining table, I kissed her on the cheek, “I’m off to school, mum.”


She briefly put her lips on my cheek, “Brutus already drove Tiffany to the school. Take care of yourself.”


“I will.” I smiled reassuringly.


Her tense gaze bore into my hazel eyes, filled with a warning. “And, be on time for dinner tonight,” she said. “they are your family, and you are eighteen now. You need to stop avoiding them whenever they are in the house. You have to bond with them.”


“Mom, I don’t w*-”


“Stop arguing with me!” she said in a cold tone, her hand loosening on my arm, finally letting it go, “Face the truth, Heather. The only reason you are not banished is that you live under the Alpha’s roof!” She stared at me sternly “I need you to think for yourself and I want you on the dinner table by eight.”


Tears filled to the brims of my eyes. I tried to hold them because I didn’t want to cry. I didn’t want to be hurt. “Wrong move.” I said coldly, “Maybe I prefer to be banished and die. Tell them to do exactly that.“


The cold mask on her face slipped for a few moments, revealing the helpless look in her eyes. 


I turned away and rushed out of the house. The look on her face hurt me deeper than I thought it would. Maybe I’ll bring her some flowers on my way home today, I thought to myself, trying to quench the guilt.


 Deep down I know all she did was try to protect me. We didn’t have a choice. This pack was our only home and the only place where we could survive.




As I came out of the class and crossed the red corridors to reach the cafeteria for lunch, I was greeted by Ashton, the class clown hollering, "The freak is here!"


I hardly had time to register the sound of laughter when I pushed open the door and a bucket of cold water fell over my head, drenching me from head to toe. Some people threw food at me, staining my jeans with mayonnaise, meat, and sauces.


All of that paused suddenly as Tiffany entered the lunch hall with a chocolate ice cream in her hands. Her face immediately soured and turned in my direction the moment she stepped inside. She had smelled my scent.


The ice cream in her hand melted and dripped down on her brand new pair of shoes. She flinched instinctively, disgusted.


Then like an idea struck her mind, she walked up to me until she was a foot away from me. She had an evil grin, “Clean it.” Pepper and Sasha laughed beside her.


Last week I had gotten hit by Tiffany’s same shoe in my face. That bruise still hadn’t disappeared from the side of my cheek and hurt like hell.


Resistance won’t bring me anything good.  So I pulled at the sleeve of my top to cover my palm and bent down on my knees to wipe the ice cream off.


She kicked my knee, making me fall down on my ass, “use your tongue, Heather hoe.”


As much as I tried to endure her insults and bullying, her words were the last straw to my patience.


This time I met her eyes with indifference, “I won’t be doing that. Please move out of my way.”


My response seemed to have triggered her ego as she grabbed my arm and growled nastily, “Have you grown a backbone now, dog freak? Losers like you should be grateful to be even left alive! If it wasn’t for your slut mother seducing my dad the moment your father got buried in the ground, you wouldn’t even have a roof over your heads!”


That’s it, I can feel my brain boiling in anger the moment she mentioned my mom.


Before she could finish saying the last word out of her mouth, I slapped her hard across the face.


The chaotic room suddenly silenced. 


She fell down on the ground with her hand covering her face. I want to laugh at her expression but my senses are coming back.  And I… became scared.


My first instinct was to sprint from there. My feet stepped sideways and rushed out of the room before anyone could register what had just happened. I heard screeches from behind me, the most shrill sound was of Tiffany’s voice screaming about how she is going to cut up my face with her own claws for touching her.


I heard footsteps behind me and ran faster, my wet shoes sliding on the slippery floor as I rushed down the stairs, my chest aching for air. I was going to be punished severely if I didn’t find some place to hide.


As I reached the ground floor, I felt trapped.


“I smell her! She ran down.” I heard a holler from the first floor.


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