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Tales of the Rope novel Chapter 5

Chapter 5: First Time

I was wearing a brand new flower print dress. I remember very well how some of the shades of blue in the dress matched my eyes. And I remember that dress because I was wearing it the first time I was ever tied up.

My name is Penny, and I was a tender lass of nineteen summers, all innocent and sweet, in love with a young man a few years my senior but a wonderful man. One afternoon we were talking and he quite simply came out and told me that he would like to tie me up. He said it was a fantasy of his and it would be a very big favor to him if I would do it for him. Then he added, with that sweet smile of his, that perhaps I would find it interesting, too.

Did I mention that I was young and innocent then? Well, I was, and without a second thought I smiled right back and told him to go ahead. I even put my wrists together and offered them to him.

I think that was the only time I ever saw Bob speechless. For a while he just stared at me in disbelief before he smiled right back. Then he told me to take my shoes off and he’d be right back. When he came back from the bedroom, he was carrying a handful of ropes, the white cotton clothesline type. He put that on the coffee table and gently helped me to my feet. Then he turned my back and crossed my hands behind me.

I’ll admit that a shiver of excitement raced down my spine right at the moment I felt the first loop of rope close around my wrists. I didn’t know why but this little game was very exciting and I was almost tingling all over at his touch and that of the rope. He held my hands in one of his and I could feel the rope being wrapped around and around my wrists. Then he let go of my hands and wrapped the rope around the wrists at a right angle to the other windings. He even wrapped some rope between my wrists and around all that other rope. Later I learned that rope is called a cinch and it tightens down all the other ropes and makes it much, much harder to free yourself from, usually impossible.

He knotted the rope several times and then stood back. I tried to bring my hands around in front of my body to see what they looked like but found that they would come less than half way. I could look down and see some of the windings but not all. When I turned to Bob, his eyes were shining with delight. Not a fiendish sort of delight, but genuine pleasure. I knew I was smiling back at him and wondered what I looked like. As Bob reached for another piece of rope, I asked if I could go into the bedroom to look at myself in the big mirror on the dresser. He said sure and I boldly walked into his bedroom as if that wasn’t something a nice girl like me should never do.

Did I mention that I was innocent then? I mean really innocent. Like a virgin. You know? I liked Bob a whole lot. I guess you could even say that I was in love with him. But I had been coached very well by my mother, and I knew that a good girl didn’t jump into bed with a man until she was married, and I was going to stick by that vow. One of the reasons I liked Bob so much was that he honored my wish but still dated me. It was nice to date a boy who wasn’t always pawing all over me on every date. Not that Bob didn’t try a little. It was just that he would accept a no.

So at that point I had never been in Bob’s bedroom. I was surprised to find that the bed was a big queen-sized bed, and it had a black fur bedspread on it. The sight of that bed and all that soft fur sent another wave of tingles down my spine. But I pulled my eyes away from it and turned to the mirror.


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