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Taming The Alpha Female novel Chapter 7


I and Chang; the guy handling bar, were chatting at occasionally sharing a glance at Delilah. She was enjoying the party very much. The other guy and me caught each other staring at her, and smiled. As if on a nonverbal agreement. My grin grew more at the thought of having her smile like that again, for me. So carefree, so attractive. Like a baby. No worries at all.

“How long have you known her?” I asked Chang sipping my whiskey.

“Long enough to know she never laughed like that before.”

I nodded and looked back into the crowd. I searched the crowd, but a certain girl, with long brown hair and a backless dress was not found. She might have gone to the restroom. A wrinkle formed in my forehead when no one emerged from that side of the club. I found Samantha dancing with some other guy. Where did she go?

From the corner of my eyes, I saw a man dragging someone outside. Jumping from my seat, I walked quickly towards the exit. I was scared, what if something happens to her. Damn, the crowd. The moment I came out, I saw him holding her hands above her head, and her knees were block.

He was forcing himself on her. I leaped towards him, and pushed him aside. When the guy tried to push me back, I punched him on the face. A knee was coming towards the his balls. Delilah kneed him hard. When he crouched down, she started punching his face back-to-back. The guy fell on the ground. He passed out.

We went back to the club, which was still playing the same song when both of them left. Rather than going to the dance floor, both of us went to the bar.

“I am sorry, for whatever happened.” I rubbed my thumb on her knuckles. Trying to ease them.

“Don’t be. There are always some assholes like that, who always see woman like that. Get tempted by seeing a bit of skin here and there. Thank you for helping me though.”

“You punched him more than I did.” I smiled at her and tucked her wild wave of hair behind her ear.

“Fuck it. I want to get tipsy tonight.” She looked back at the bar, “Chang! Serve me your best cocktails, and make sure I don’t throw up.”

“Ha-ha. I will.” Saying that Chang prepared 12 shots of vodka and set it on fire.

“Whoa, that’s cool. Am I supposed to take them all?”

“You want to get tipsy right. Without throwing up. There you go.” Chang half smiled and winked. He went to attend the other customers after blowing off the fire.

She looked at me, and I was already staring at her with eyes wide open. This woman is crazy.

“Hold my beer boy.” She smirked and started taking the shots.

First... second... third, a pause, fourth... fifth... sixth, another pause. Six down. Six more to go. She thumped on the table grabbing everyone’s attention nearby. Seventh... eighth... nineth... tenth.

“Shots-shots-shots...” Everyone was cheering for her, but I held the same expression.

She took her eleventh shot and smirked. “To my fucked-up life.” She raised her hand and took the last shot. The whole bar clapped. It was the bars new record. Twelve shots at once. She felt dizzy after few minutes though. I noticed that she was slipping from her stool. I grabbed her by the waist and made her sit on my leg.

“Do you want something honey?” Chang came laughing at a tipsy person now.

“Nope, I am as fine as ice. But I think I am melting.” She giggled and climbed down from my leg. Walking back into the dance floor, I followed suit. A sober Delilah was attracting people in her backless dress. I can’t imagine the consequences for a tipsy one.

It was now a very nice song playing, the only words I registered were, work, work, work. As soon as she heard the words, she started moving her ass, sensually. Was she taunting me? Thank god, I was close enough to see that, otherwise it would have been any Tom-Dick-Harry, she would be doing it to.

She turned around, and held me close to her. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she started singing. I did not understand anything, thanks to the loud music and to the girl who was drunk as hell. But I understood one line clearly, something that I never had.

I looked at her, and she smiled. Her half-closed eyes, were drowning me in. I looked back and realised, the amount of burden she has on her chest. I wanted her to let me in. But she was too scared. I have been patient with her. I know woman like her, are tough to deal with.

She was stubborn but loyal to her core. She didn’t like me because of the money I have. Hell, she doesn’t even know who I am actually. I want her more. I want to share her sorrow and pain. Laughter and happiness. Everything. I need her.

Chapter 7 - The New Record 1


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