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Taming the Beast novel Chapter 65

The next morning, it was just Keegan and I in the bed. I didn't move for a long time. I just lay there. I didn't want to move, I was in mourning. Keegan rubbed his hand on my back gently and just let me wallow. After hours, I was finally able to speak. 

"He didn't get to see his first grandchild born," I said hoarsely. The thought brought another round of tears to my eyes. Keegan didn't say anything. He only kissed my head and rubbed circles on my stomach. He hadn't said much since last night and I understood. He needed time. Without a word, he stood and left the room. I sat up and watched him. In all of this, I never thought how Keegan must be feeling. He was strong for me when I needed it.

Keegan, please don't push me away again, I begged through mind-link.


He must have heard me and closed off the link. I went downstairs to see the guys all staring at the blank TV. I snuggled into the couch next to Aiden and Trevor. Aiden wrapped his arms around me and tried to comfort me.

"You okay?" he asked softly. I shook my head before I rested it against his chest. He sighed and rubbed my back gently. Trevor held my hand tightly as Greg stayed close to his mate. "If Keegan sees you here, he's going to kill us," Aiden said. I shrugged.

"I'd be surprised if he even cared," I muttered. Aiden pulled back to look at me.

"He cares, Caroline. He would give his life for you, but this is a hard time for him, remember that," Aiden said. I sighed and closed my eyes as I snuggled back into his chest. As much as it was helping, it wasn't Keegan. I ended up falling asleep in the silence that surrounded us.


Getting back to normal was harder than I thought it would be, and I already thought it was going to be really hard. Graduation passed in a blur. It was amazing I even graduated with my absence record, but I guess they chalked it up to senioritis. Keegan eventually let me in again, slowly but surely. Lena holed herself up in the house obsessing over Karma and Keegan for the sake of something to do. Sometimes I would catch her sitting on the floor of Wes' study, just crying. It broke my heart seeing her so heartbroken, but I knew that it was the price of having a mate.

It absolutely sucked if you lost them.

When I reached six months into my pregnancy, we started noticing weird things. For one, werewolves were supposed to grow like normal human babies. That was definitely not happening in my pregnancy. I looked way bigger than six months. Our baby was almost full term and we still had a textbook three more months. Another anomaly was that she moved a lot. And yes, I said she which was odd because according to Keegan, all firstborn babies of Alphas are male. I was constantly sick and constantly dizzy. Aiden or Keegan were always by my side because it was common for me to faint. I was also eating enough for an entire army. Well, I had no idea if that was pregnancy related, but we're just going to say that it is.


"Care... Care wake up," someone whispered softly. I blinked my eyes open to come face to face with Danny. I sat up confused to see that I was in my room. This only confused me even more.

"W-What happened?" I asked sleepily. Danny sighed and held my hand in his.

"You fainted again. Aiden brought you here and Keegan said something about a boarder patrol," my brother explained. My stomach cramped uncomfortably. I held my stomach and closed my eyes.

"Something is wrong," I said quietly. My heart felt like someone was squeezing it. I panted as I tried to crawl out of my bed. "Is Aiden here?" I gasped. Danny nodded and left to go get him. Aiden came bursting through the door seconds later.

"Caroline, what's wrong?" he asked immediately. A sharp pain hit my stomach and I yelled out. "Caroline!" Aiden said louder, coming to my side. Beads of sweat started forming on my skin as I tried to calm my body.

Final Chapter 65 (Caroline) 1

Final Chapter 65 (Caroline) 2


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