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Taming The Casanova novel Chapter 91

Sahil's POV

( Engagement day, morning)

It was morning, I looked around but manu was not in the room. Though I missed getting up with her in my arms, it was better that she was not in the room.

I got ready as I had to arrange many things. I made a few phone calls. Everything was done. I went downstairs and saw all the women in the family were busy with something or the other.

I smiled at her and signalled her to come to me. But she shook her head lightly and kept doing whatever she was doing.

It's ok honey, you are going to pay for ignoring me yesterday and today. Let's see how well you respond to the surprise and punishment I planned for you.

Shit !!! I wanted the time to fly. I wanted to see her face when this storm, a.k.a. Sahil Malhotra, hits her.

All the best honey...

I went out to collect everything and after I had everything, I came back home.

Ladies were getting ready in Swati's room as the makeup artist were there. I wanted to see my manu but Damini did not let me.

So, I went to our room and did everything that was needed to be done and then got ready.

I came downstairs and saw Sagar and dad checking the arrangements, I told dad to get ready as I was ready now.

Sagar had already done everything for engagement and pooja later in the evening. I had come to help him earlier, before going out but he asked me to go and do my work. He said, he would manage everything here.

" So, all set?? Got what you went for?" Sagar asked.

" Yeah... Thanks, bhai. "

" Don't be formal, you idiot. Anything for you. And anyway I just made a phone call. " he said and I hugged him hard.

" Don't you think these girls are taking too much time to get ready?? " I said.

" Get used to it, they are girls, they love to get ready. And it is good for us, as they are getting ready for us. Don't complain about it. " he said and I nodded.

All the arrangements were perfect now.

I saw my beautiful angel coming down the stairs with Damini. Sagar and I both were standing there at the base of the stairs. She was confused between us. She asked Damini but when she didn't tell her she came and placed her hand on my extended hand. Sagar and Damini clapped for her.

I asked her how did she recognised me and after much persuasion, she said, " The way you were looking at me. "

Awww so cute. She was making me go insane about her.

I was still talking to her when Samar came with his dad and friends.

Sagar and I went to greet them. Some of Samar's friends were also invited.

Mitali also accompanied one of his friends. Mitali hugged me, but I removed her arms immediately. But she kept giving me lustful looks.

I ignored her but she tried to touch me again and I told her that I was in a serious relationship now and went away from there.

Dad asked me to do something and I went inside.

When I came back, I saw Sujoy standing there, looking towards the staircase.

" Hey bro, so good to see you... I am so happy that you could make it. " I said and hugged him.

" I am glad that I came, I just saw the girl of my dreams. I swear, I lost my heart on the spot. " Sujoy said. I laughed at that.

" It seems, love is in air, I am also in love. In fact, I want you to meet her. She has changed me completely. I don't even think of looking at another girl. "

" I would definitely like to meet her. She must be something out of the world, who could tame you. I would not have thought of it in my rarest dream that you would ever fall in love. "

" Yes, I am absolutely in love with her."

Just then I saw that Swati was coming along with Damini and Manu.  My sweet little princess was looking like a doll.

Actually, all 3 of them were looking so beautiful, like princesses coming for the first official ball. Everyone was looking at them.

Sujoy was about to say something, but I told him to wait as I had to go and join my family.

Samar and Swati exchanged the rings. I was very happy for my best friend and my doll. They were totally smitten with each other.

I saw Damini asking Sagar that she wanted to eat something and they went to satisfy her food cravings.

I was wondering what would I have to face with my Manu when she would carry our child. And just the thought excited me. I wanted to be with her, as it is she was looking so pretty. I wanted her to wear that another dress.

I found her with mom, I went there and asked her to come with me because I wanted her to meet my friend Sujoy.

Chapter 91 1


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