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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125

If Elgin could just do it, she’d stick by his side like a good girl, ’cause she didn’t really have any other option. But no, he wouldn’t agree. He just had to wreck a living, breathing life!

“No man can stand it, knowing his wife is carrying someone else’s bastard!” Elgin roared, “And that goes double for me!”

He’s the unrivalled head of the business empire in AquaCity, always holding the reins of power and never succumbing to anyone.

“You keep calling my baby a bastard… Letitia closed her eyes as tears streamed down her cheeks, “but did you ever stop to think, Elgin, that I knew that man before I even met you?”

That guy came first, before Elgin.

“Cut the crap, it’s just gonna tick me off,” Elgin leaned back, “and pissing me off isn’t gonna do you any favors.”

Letitia cleaned her tears.

The car still made it to the hospital without a hitch.

Elgin scooped her out of the car, never letting go the whole way, cradling her right to the OR

The doctors and nurses were already on standby at the doors of the operating room, just waiting for her arrival.

This was a moment Letitia would never forget in her life.

The pain was unbearable, the desperation profound, like being trapped in darkness with not a glimmer of light.

Elgin laid her down on the hospital bed, but she clung to his neck, refusing to let go.

“It’ll be over before you know it.” Elgin said, “When you come out, you’ll have a fresh start.”

He thought he was being pretty damn generous, still sweet-talking her.

Letitia pulled his head down, whispering in his ear, “Elgin… doing this, you’re just making me hate you even more.”

“Hate me, then, Elgin shot back, “talk of love between us is just a big joke anyway.”

He tried to pry her hands off, but Letitia wouldn’t let go, gripping his shoulders for dear life.

“No, I can’t go in… Letitia vehemently shook her head, “Elgin, can we just… talk it out?”

Desperately, she tried to clutch at her last straw.

“There’s nothing more to say. This is it”

Elgin had indulged this girl for far longer than he should have. He had hit his limit.

Swiftly, he moved to disentangle her wrist from his arm.

But Letitia only clung onto his shoulders tighter, resolutely unwilling to sever their connection.

“Let go,” he said, his eyes softening for a moment.

But that “let go” sent shivers down her spine.

Elgin pried her fingers off one by one, with such force it felt like he’d snap them.

How could a woman’s strength match up to a man’s?

The standoff didn’t last a minute before Letitia’s hands fell from Elgin’s shoulders.

He stood up straight and stepped back. Out of her reach!

“Elgin-” Letitia cried out in panic.

He just stood there, his face a mask of indifference.

“Get going, you’ll have a whole new scene when you’re out,” Elgin said, “From now on, we can play a different game.”

The doctors and nurses wheeled her toward the operating room.

Chapter 125 1


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