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Tangled in His Obsession (Seraphina) novel Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Seraphina seemed chill, speaking with an air of nonchalance, leaving Cooper speechless

They entered a restaurant Halfway through the meal, Cooper, who seemed to be deep in thought, asked, “Have you ever tried to have a serious talk with your mom?”

Seraphina, cutting her steak with an indifferent shrug, replied, “No chance We’re used to this way of being around each other, so I don’t mind”

Cooper stared at her in silence before slowly saying. “You’re lying

“Oh?” Seraphina looked up at him

“You haven’t done anything wrong, yet you’re treated like this” Cooper put down his cutlery and added after a pause. “How can you not feel upset?”

Seraphina rolled her eyes, a spark in them, but still managed to keep a smile “Maybe my existence is a mistake in itself.”

She finished, gave him a smile, and went back to her meal.

Cooper felt a pang in his heart

After a while, he quietly said, “That is even less your fault”

Seraphina looked up at him, raised her glass and clinked it lightly against his, saying, “I don’t often share these things. Thanks for understanding”

“I don’t often hang out with people either,” Cooper raised his glass, “Thank you for the company”

They looked at each other and laughed

At night, they went to an out–of the–way cinema to watch a movie

It was a foreign indie film, spoken in their native language. This was the only cinema in town showing it, but maybe for that reason, the turnout was good. About 30% of the audience were from their country

Cooper chose the film It was directed by a director who had been quiet for quite some time in their country Cooper was a fan of his first film and chose this one mainly to introduce Seraphina to this director However, he was disappointed after the two hour screening

Creativity needed soul, but in this film, the director seemed to have lost his initial spark. And what’s even worse was, he had added many clichéd tearjerker scenes While Cooper couldn’t appreciate such a film, many girls in the theater left with red eyes, still clutching their tissues. But when Cooper looked at Seraphina, her face was expressionless When the saw the other girls crying she even winked at him and giggled

“What did you think? Cooper asked her.

‘Meh. It’s a bit over the top with the sentimentality, but overall it’s okay” Seraphina shrugged and said,

Cooper chuckled, “But it didn’t move you”

Seraphina suddenly pulled her eyelids wide open at him, “I can’t cry because I don’t have tear ducts.”

Cooper fell silent for a moment and moved a little closer as if to verify her claim

Seraphina couldn’t help but laugh and gently pushed him away

When they left the cinema, it was already late. Despite his disability, Cooper insisted that the driver take Seraphina home first,

They arrived under Seraphina’s apartment building As Seraphina was about to go upstairs, Cooper suddenly called her back.

Seraphina turned around and walked back to the car asking him, “What’s up?”


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