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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 113

113 Ava: A New Change

I want to believe Lucas. I want to believe that

everything will be okay, that I’ll come out of this stronger than before. But there’s a part of me that’s terrified of what’s happening to me, of the changes. that I can feel taking place inside my body.

Change is inevitableSelene says, her voice gentle. But it doesn’t have to be something to fear

I know she’s right, but it’s hard to let go of the apprehension that’s taken root in my gut.

I have a feeling Selene knows why I’ve been unconscious for so long, but I can’t talk to her with

Lucas here.

Lisa squeezes my hand, drawing my attention back to her. “We’re here for you, Ave. Whatever you need.”

I manage a small smile, grateful for her support. “Thanks, Lise. I don’t know what I would do without


“Probably starve,” she jokes, trying to lighten the mood. “Speaking of which, I’m going to go track down

110- A New Change

some of that liquid diet for you. Be right back.”

She slips out of the room, leaving me alone with Lucas and Vanessa. Selene hops down from the bed, stretching languidly before padding over to the window. She seems content to give us some privacy, though I know she’s still listening to every word.

Vanessa steps closer, her expression softening as she takes in the way Lucas is holding me. “Your body has been through a tremendous ordeal, Ava. It’s going to take time to recover, both physically and emotionally. But you’re strong. You’ll get through this.”

She smiles, reaching out to pat my leg through the blanket. “I’ll be back to check on you later. You’ll probably be asleep soon. I’ll be here in the morning, and we can talk more then.”


It takes three days until I’m strong enough to be discharged home.

It seems like forever, but Dr. Beaumont assures me- and Lucas–that it’s a miracle I’m going home so early. Having multiple giant meals of protein (rare steak being the food of choice) seems to have kick–started



113 Ava: A New Change

some of that liquid diet for you. Be right back.”

She slips out of the room, leaving me alone with Lucas. and Vanessa. Selene hops down from the bed, stretching languidly before padding over to the window. She seems content to give us some privacy, though I know she’s still listening to every word.

Vanessa steps closer, her expression softening as she takes in the way Lucas is holding me. “Your body has been through a tremendous ordeal, Ava. It’s going to take time to recover, both physically and emotionally. But you’re strong. You’ll get through this.”

She smiles, reaching out to pat my leg through the blanket. “I’ll be back to check on you later. You’ll probably be asleep soon. I’ll be here in the morning, and we can talk more then.”


It takes three days until I’m strong enough to be discharged home.

It seems like forever, but Dr. Beaumont assures me- and Lucas–that it’s a miracle I’m going home so early. Having multiple giant meals of protein (rare steak being the food of choice) seems to have kick–started



113 Ava: A New Change

whatever magical shifter healing ability lies in my body.

I’m not only better–I feel stronger and more fit than I

was before I ever went unconscious.

Lucas, of course, won’t stop worrying. The full moon isn’t for another month, and Dr. Beaumont and

Vanessa seem convinced I will shift at that time.

Selene won’t answer when I ask her if that’s true.

And Lucas won’t leave so I can talk to Selene.

So I’m excited to be discharged, except…

“No. You’ll be staying at my house.”

Lucas won’t let me go back to Lisa’s apartment.

“Absolutely not. She’s coming back with me.” Lisa stands toe–to–toe with Lucas and his alpha presence. Kellan poked his head into the room a few minutes earlier to ask Lisa if she could help pack my things and bring them to Lucas‘ house, and things just kind of exploded from there.

“I’m staying with Lisa.”

“And even if it makes you feel better, it doesn’t make me feel better.” Standing up for myself feels good. Better than I thought it would. Even facing Lucas‘ clear irritation with the situation. “This isn’t about you. This

“As my mate-” 

“My name,” I cut in, raising my voice, “is Ava Grey. I am my own person, and you are not my alpha. And even if you think I’m your mate, that connection has not been accented or established. And it never will be if vou

Good jobAva.


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