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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 119


119 Ava: Her Power

I wish I could share Lisa’s optimism, but the weight of this newfound knowledge settles heavily on my

shoulders. If what Selene says is true, then I’m not just different from other shifters. I’m different from


There’s something else you should know, Selene says, her voice taking on a somber note. Your connection to the elements is like a beacon. Other sensitive beings might be able to sense it, to feel the power that lies dormant within you.

My heart sinks at her words. “What does that mean for


It means that you’ll be in danger if you leave the safety of the Westwood pack lands, Selene replies, her tone grave. There are those who would seek to exploit your power for their own gainor worse, to eliminate you as threat. Though most shifters lack any true memory of our time as Great Wolvesas Lycans, the instinct is still there… if they’re strong enough.

I slump back against the couch, my shoulders.

119 Ava Hor Power

drooping under the weight of this revelation. It’s not enough that I’m an outsider among my own kind, or that I’m caught between two powerful alphas—though Clayton has been absurdly kind about giving me the distance I need. Now, I have to worry about being

hunted down by god knows who, all because of some mystical connection to the elements that I never asked


“I can’t even leave?” I whisper, my voice small and broken. “I’m trapped here, like some kind of prisoner?”

Perhaps for nowfor your own protectionSelene says, nuzzling her head against my leg in a gesture of

comfort. Until you learn to control your powers, until you can defend yourselfit’s the only way to keep you 


Tears prick at the corners of my eyes, hot and stinging. I blink them back, refusing to let them fall.

I’m stronger. I’ll become stronger yet. I’m not going to cry over this.

“So, what am I supposed to do?” I ask, my voice hoarse with emotion. “Just sit here and wait for someone to come and teach me how to be a magician?”



119 Ava: Her Power

We’ll figure it outSelene assures me, her voice filled with a quiet confidence. You’re not alone in this, AvaYou have meand you have LisaWe’ll find a way to help youto keep you safe

“I just want to be normal,” I whisper, my voice barely audible. “I want to be able to live my life without constantly looking over my shoulder, without wondering if the next person I meet is going to try to

kill me.”

Shit, I sound like a whining kid.

Lisa wraps her arm around my shoulders, pulling me into a tight hug. “I know, sweetie. But you’re not alone in this. We’ll get through it together, one day at a time.”

I lean into her embrace, drawing strength from her presence. It’s a small comfort, but it’s enough to keep me from breaking down completely.

We’ll find a waySelene repeats, her voice filled with a quiet determination. promise youAvaWe’ll find way to keep you safeto help you understand your


“So–your coma. You’d mentioned feeling as though


119 Ava Hor Power

you died a few times. What exactly do you mean by that?” Lisa asks when I finally pull away, composed

once more.

You were, Selene says, her voice echoing in my mind. Your consciousness was trapped in the place between worldswhere Lycan souls rest.

It is a realm beyond the physical world, Selene explains, her voice taking on a reverent tone. place where the souls of our kind go when they are not bound to a physical form. It is a place of great powerbut also of great danger

In a sense, yes, Selene confirms, her voice tinged with sadness. Your soul was lost, trapped between life and death. could sense your presence there, could feel your fear and pain.

YesSelene says, her voice soft and soothing. couldn’t bear to see you suffer, to watch as your soul was torn apart by the elements. I had to guide you backto help you find your way home

You are strongAvaSelene assures me, her voice filled with a quiet conviction. Stronger than you knowYou would have found your way backeven without my 



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