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Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted novel Chapter 121

121 Lucas Sell Searching

121 Lucas: Still Searching


Being away from Ava is torture, but the random photo updates from Kellan help ease the ache in my heart. And the wolf snarling in my head.

He’s pissed that we’re far from her again, logic and reasoning be damned. And if I hear one more word. about that damn dog, Selene–I don’t even know what

I’ll do.

I can feel his frustration case as we stare at the photo Kellan texted me; she’s exhausted, her cheeks red with

exertion and her bangs damp against her head.

She hasn’t been wearing her glasses. Two days after her discharge, she’d complained about them making her vision blurry.

Vanessa and Dr. Beaumont are certain it’s a sign that her wolf is awakening, but Ava had taken the news in stride, asking no questions.

Her disinterest worries me; to be wolfless is a curse among our people. To know that her wolf might come?

<121 Lucas: Still Searching

She should be over the moon, praising the Goddess for such a blessing. And yet Ava acts as though it doesn’t involve her.

Dr. Beaumont says it’s probably a trauma response to her life in the Blackwood Pack, but I can’t shake the feeling that there’s something more to all of this.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. As long as she’s safe and happy, I won’t ask for much more. It was hard to watch her as she lay in her hospital bed, day after day. Hard to watch as the nurses bathed her with gentle hands. Hard to watch as her cheeks thinned, even with the intravenous nutrition they’d started her on after three days.

Losing her would mean losing everything. I can’t survive in this world knowing she isn’t in it.

Simple daily activities like basic hygiene were out; no showers, and meals were only taken because Kellan would bring food and stand watch until I ate it. Lisa wouldn’t eat until I did, and I remember thinking that

Ava would kill me if her human friend starved to death

because I was too sick at the thought of losing her.

Otherwise? The entire world could burn, as long as I



121 Lucas: Still Searching

was by her side.

Not really the best mindset for an alpha. Kellan stepped up for me, but I have a lot to deal with now.

Which is why I’m back in the Blackwood territory, daydreaming about my fated mate instead of visiting

her like I want to.



Tearing my thoughts away from Ava takes too much effort, but I focus again on the man in front of me. Vester’s mild exasperation is clear in the slight

furrowing of his brow, but he maintains a professional demeanor.


“The report…”

I cut him off before he can continue. “Summarize it for


Vester straightens, clearing his throat. “Of course,

Alpha. We have some reports that a woman resembling the description of Jessa Grey was seen in the

Unregistered Communities to the eastern



121 Lucas: Still Searching

Outside of a massive war, there’s no way to erase these communities from the world. There are too many, and vampires are too powerful. Even an alpha requires backup against a single high lord vamp.

We must erase him from our worldmy wolf growls. He’s bloodthirsty enough to challenge the entire pack, seeing little benefit from saving those who watched as Ava was abused.


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